Not A Chapter, Its Some Facts!

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M'kay readers. I've wanted to write all of this down for a while now so here we go. Basically, these are some facts about my fic. I just want to get this all down and clear things up for myself. So here we go.

1. Evan and Connor are taking a gap year before college. Evan, because he needs to get more money to pay for his tuition. Connor, because of his mental health. He recently went through a rough patch of drug use and self-harm and shouldn't deal with more pressure.

2. Zolana is going to be a ship in this fic.

3. I think I'm just going to put down everyone's sexualities here now. Zoe-Pan. Alana-Lesbian. Connor-Gay. Evan-Bi. Heidi-Bi. Jeremy-Bi.Michael-Gay. Jared-aromantic. Cynthia-Pan. Larry-Straight

4. So my story is going to be taking place in New Jersey, that's where I live so I'm familiar with the weather and etc. Veronica moved from Ohio by herself, and a few years later found out so did other people from HS. She found out Martha and Heather were in the area and would get together every now and then.

5. It's winter right now.

6. Connor, Evan, Jared, Michael, Jeremy, and Alana are all 21. Zoe is 20. Cynthia and Heidi are 44. Larry is 46. Megan, Piper, Leo, and Julia are 22.

7. Zoe, Alana, and Jared all go to college in the area. So do Michael and Jeremy.

8. Michael and Jeremy won't be popping up a lot. Piper will come back. Leo will be mentioned more often because he's Evan's roommate. I don't know about Julia and Megan yet.

9. Btw, Megan is me.

10. Connor did abuse Zoe around 2 years ago. The same time as his suicide attempt. He finally stopped abusing Zoe. He usually got aggressive after his high and took it out on Her. Larry would be at work. Cynthia would be out of the house or too scared to do anything. Connor now locks himself in his room or stays away from home.

11. Evan does not know that Zoe and Connor are related.

12. The whole gang went to the same high school (Jared, Evan, Alana, Zoe, Connor). Evan vaguely knew Connor, but never as Zoe's brother

13. Evan did have a crush on Zoe briefly until his feeling just became platonic.

14. Jared eats bathbombs (obviously). His favorite is lavender and he HATES blueberry

15. Connor did throw that printer

Sorry if you were expecting a good chapter. I just needed to get this all down. If you read it, comment Ben Platt is leaving I crai. (Haha. Watch me get no comments) I love all of you guys so much for reading my crappy fic! Ask me any questions if you're confused on anything. Sorry again for not giving you a chapter today. I will try tomorrow. Might even give you two!


P.S. Shit. I need to practice my clarinet and fix my essay. And do something for L.A. Oh shit. You might not get a chapter tmrrw. Really sorry guys.

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