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TW: Homophobia

Zoe's POV

The first thing I felt was pain. My cheek stung. My whole head throbbed. I had no memory of what happened. Then, it all came rushing back. 

Dad and Connor started to fight. Dad tried to punch Connor. But I stepped in front of him.

I snapped my eyes open, but shut them when I saw the bright ceiling lights. We don't have those lights at home. I felt a coarse blanket on top of me. That is not mine! I heard beeping machines and smelt bleach. I was at the hospital.

I turned my head side to side. No one was there. No Mom or Dad. No Connor. Nobody. Not even a nurse. I lay there, picking at a stray thread on the blanket, wondering if anybody would come and see me. Suddenly, there were footsteps in the hallway.

"She's not awake yet." I heard a faint voice say. There was no response as the footsteps got nearer. The door opened. I saw a nurse in floral scrubs, my emo brother, and Evan, anxiously picking at his shirt. Connor's eyes lit up when he saw me.

"I told you she was awake." He teased as he walked over to my bedside. The nurse grumbled and muttered something. She walked over and shined a light in my eyes. (Trying not to start singing "Shine a Light rn) 

"Call me if she starts to fall asleep or does anything unusual." The nurse told the two boys in the room. Then she walked out. There was an awkward silence for a minute. 

Connor and Evan were centimeters apart, their hands almost intertwined. The duo's lips were slightly swollen, as if they were making out. My eyes widen as I gasped.

"Holy shit you two made out!" I yelled. Their faces turned red, confirming my guess.

"N-N-No w-we didn't Z-Zoe." Evan managed to squeak out. Connor now turned to face Evan. He was smirking. He kissed Evan. He KISSED Evan. ON THE FUCKING LIPS! I was clapping and hooting as they pulled away, faces even more red now. MY SHIP HAS SAILED. They went in for another one.

Just then, the door flew open and smacked against the wall. I flinched at the sound. Evan and Connor jumped apart. Dad stood there, anger taking over his features as what he just witnessed sunk in.

"Connor Mike Murphy! What the hell was that!" Dad shouted as he marched over to him. Connor looked him right in the eyes as he said,

"I'm gay Larry."

Connor's POV

"I'm gay Larry." I said to him with as much confidence I could muster. He stared back at me, his mouth open in shock. Then, when it seemed this man was already fuming, he got even more angry.

"No you're not Connor! No son of mine likes boys!" Larry screamed at me.

"This one does." I told him. He raised his hand to hit me again, but I grabbed his fist. He struggled against my grip until he tore out of it and lowered his fist.

"Go home. Get your things. I want you gone by 9 tonight. I don't want a fag living under my roof." Larry growled in my face before he stomped out of the room. I stood there, staring straight (gay) ahead.

"Connor?" Zoe asked cautiously from her bed. I faced her.

"I better get going. Have to get my stuff. Find a place to camp out." I told her. I tried to walk out of the room but Evan's voice stopped me in my tracks.

"Y-You can stay w-with m-me Connor. A-At least f-for a few d-days." He said. I felt tears start to form in my eyes as I smiled.

"Really?" I asked. He nodded.

Evan's POV

I nodded. Connor walked over to me and scooped me up in a hug. He started to softly cry onto my shoulder. I could see the concern in Zoe's eyes as I patted his back. After a minute or two he calmed down. Wiping his eyes, he asked,

"Do you want to help me pick up my stuff?" 

"S-Sure." I told him. We said our goodbyes to Zoe and left the hospital. 

The two of us walked to Connor's house, enjoying the breezy afternoon. We didn't talk, just soaked in all that had happened in the past few hours. I brushed my fingers over my lips as I remembered the kiss. I could see Connor smiling at my action. I blushed and looked down at our feet.

Black combat boots and beat up Sketchers walked side by side. I jumped when Connor grabbed my hand and held on. I blushed even more. Then he mumbled,

"You're cute when you blush Hansen."

"T-Thanks." I told him. It was his turn to blush.

"I didn't realize I said that out loud." He admitted with an embarrassed laugh. I smiled at him. Today had been far from perfect, but parts of it weren't so bad.

Connor's POV

I walked into my own personal hell. Other than school, this house was my prison. Or, had been my prison. I took the extra key from under the welcome mat and stepped inside.

"Anybody here!" I called out. My voice echoed, turning downs hallways and into rooms. I got not response. Motioning for Evan to follow me, I stepped inside.

Once I got to my room I sighed. Evan looked around as I closed the door behind me.

"Emo through and through." I told him jokingly as he took in the black walls and MCR posters. Not knowing how much time I had until I got home made me panicky. I did a quick sweep of my room. Finding an old suitcase in my closet, I took it out. I grabbed handfuls of my clothes and threw them in. I took some toiletries from my bathroom.

Meanwhile, Evan had been looking through my drawers. He would toss me some socks or journals to pack up. The steady stream of belonging suddenly stopped.

"What is it?" I asked as walked over to him. I felt myself pale at the sight of the pocket knife. I could see crusted blood on some parts.

"C-Connor..." Evan started as he looked back at me.

"Leave it here. I don't want it." I told him as I tore my eyes away from his concerned gaze. We continued to pack until the suitcase was full. I zipped it up and rolled it to the door, Evan following behind me.

I heard the front door open.

"Cynthia, are you here!" Larry called out. "The door was unlocked." He said. Evan and I shared a fearful look. I saw my window out of the corner of my eye.

"Window. Now." I urgently whispered as Evan tiptoed towards it. I unlocked it and slid it open. It squeaked. God  Dammit! 

"Cynthia? You up here?" Larry asked as he probably climbed the stairs.

"Go Evan, go!" I whisper-screamed as I helped him through. He took the suitcase. I heard footsteps stop outside my room. I slipped out and we rolled down the roof. The two of us fell onto the ground, a pile of leaves cushioning our fall.

I could hear my door open as we hurried down the street. By the time Larry would check the room, I would be long gone.

Hi readers! I have seven minutes until dance as of now. I'm so happy I could actually update tonight! I hope you liked it. I have barely any time to fix mistakes so please tell me if there are any. Ask me any questions you have too. By the way, I was thinking about writing a musical one shot book. I have two prompts already for Treebros. Tell me what you think. One more thing. There's this one girl in my tap class who is such a bitch I hate her so fucking much. I'll probably have more to vent tomorrow. Anyway, I hope you liked it!


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