The Fight

298 31 27

TW: Slight Violence, Alcohol, and Drug use

Connor's POV

I stumbled down the street, lampposts occasionally lighting my way. Finally coming across my house I sluggishly walked up the stairs and onto the porch. I could hear yelling through the thin walls. In my drunken stupor I ignored the warning signs and waltzed into my house.

"It's not just a phase Larry! He needs help! You've seen his trash can! Who could those bandages have come from!" Cynthia yelled as tears dripped off her face. Larry kept his stance as he shouted,

"He's just doing it for attention Cynthia! You need to stop falling for his act!" I recklessly got caught in the crossfire as I tried and failed to get to my room.

"Connor! Get your ass back here!" He yelled at me. I walked back to the dueling couple, swaying from the booze as I did so.

"Connor, have you been drinking? You smell like a liquor cabinet." Cynthia asked me, notes of her concern in her voice.

"Maybe." I giggled. Cynthia frowned and Larry's face turned red with anger. He marched over to me and grabbed me by the collar of my hoodie. Getting up close in my face, he muttered with gritted teeth,

"Don't disrespect your mother."

"Look what you were just doing." I said, suddenly serious. Now fuming, Larry pulled back his fist. Time seemed to slow down at that very moment. I felt a sharp pain in my nose as his fist collided with my face. 

I was shaken out of my drunken state by the pain. Now angry, I grabbed his shoulders and slammed my left knee into his balls. With that I pushed him to the ground. I left a screaming Cynthia and injured Larry behind as I ran into the darkness of the night.

In my haste, I bumped into a guy dressed in a black trenchcoat. He looked to be in his mid-forties. 

"Watch it." We both grumbled at the same time. I kept walking, trying to put as much space as I could between me and Larry. He never understood me. Sure, once I wanted that special father son bond. But I quickly realized it would only be a dream.

"Hey Michael. Could I crash at your place tonight?" I asked him over the phone as I wiped the blood from my nose on my hoodie sleeve.

"Sure. You okay with Jere-bear and some friends being here too?" Michael questioned.

"Define friends." I told him. I paced up and down a segment of the dark sidewalk.

"Just Megan and Julia." He responded. I nodded and said,

"Thanks. I'll be there soon."

*Time skip brought to you by me trying to pull an all nighter with Julia*

Jeremy let out a low whistle at the sight of me. I could only imagine what I looked like. With messy hair, a bloody and probably broken nose, purple bags underneath my eyes, and a stained sweatshirt I bet I looked like a mess. We said nothing as he welcomed me inside.

"Holy shit what happened to your nose!" Megan exclaimed as she walked over to me.

"My dick of a sperm donor punched my nose." I told them nonchalantly. "Let's just say, after what I did, he won't be donating any more."

Julia whooped and clapped. The other three joined in as I took a seat on the couch.

"Oh no you don't. We're cleaning you up." Megan told me as she dragged me into the bathroom.

She took a towel off of a rack and wetted it with warm water. She gently rubbed away the crusted blood as she asked me,

"What happened?"

"I'd rather not say." I responded as I stared at the tiling on the floor. I saw her feet enter the line of my vison. I hesitantly looked up at her, expecting her face to be one of pity. Instead I found her looking at me like a was an asshole.

"Connor fucking Murphy," Megan said, "tell me what happened."

I sighed. 

"Larry got reall angry at me for sassing him." I muttered. Her eyes became angry as she inspected my nose.

"What a dick." She whispered. Turning her back to me she then shouted,

"Julia! Get in he(e)re!" I heard Julia's footsteps down the hallway as she got closer to us. She then appeared in the doorway. The two girls whispered for a few minutes before turning to me.

"Connor," Megan started calmly, "I need to reset your nose. Julia is going to hold you down." Julia then pressed my arms to my side as I started to get worried. Megan got closer and grabbed my nose, pressing a thick towel up to it.

"Blow your nose." She commanded. I did as told. She threw the now bloody towel into the sink as she formed a triangle with her hand. She placed it around my nose.

"Take a deep breath." She told me. As I started to exhale she dragged her hands down my face, now re-aligning my nose.

"MOTHER FUC..." Julia slapped a hand over my mouth as I continued to scream cuss words.

*Time skip brought to you by it being around 3 hours since I started writing this*

A few hours later as the sun rose I finally layer my head down on my arms. Exhaustion took over as my eyelids drooped. I stopped fighting sleep. I now lay in wait for whatever nightmares are ahead.

Good early morning readers! I bet almost none of you are up this early or late. Anyway I just want to say thank you and I love all of you so much. Every time I find out someone votes or comments or I see that I get more reads it just makes me so happy. So, thank you for reading this cringey emotional mess. It's taken me forever to write this because I'm trying to write another fanfiction with Julia that we will probably never ever post. Anyway, I hope you like it! Time to go watch some bootlegs.


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