A Creepy Feeling

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TW: Flashbacks to murder, suicide, and self-harm

Veronica's POV

All this week, I had been able to sleep peacefully. Heather rarely taunted me, deciding to keep to herself. Kurt and Ram barely talked to me, this week leaving me alone fully. Evan opened up to Connor. I can tell the two of them will help each other heal. For real. Not like how I though I could heal J.D.

Don't start thinking about him, I told myself. It was almost like this week someone had been watching over me, protecting my subconscious from those awful memories. The memories that often turned into nightmares. That haunted me for days.

"Our love is God  Veronica. Let's go get a slushie." He would say. Or when he first truly talked to me,

"The extreme always seems to make an impression." I remember when we killed Heather Chandler. I remember the look in her eyes as she grabbed at her throat, chocking on the drain cleaner. The fear. Those eyes will haunt me to the end of my days.

So will the blank looks on Kurt and Ram's faces. The way they stared up at the sky with empty eyes were etched into my brain the moment I saw them. Whenever I feel guilty, I say Veronica, J.D tricked into doing that. It's not your fault.

Deep down, I knew it was my fault. I should've left him after what happened with Heather. I should've never agreed to stage Kurt and Ram's suicide. I should've never went to his house that night. I should've never talked to him.

But I did. I talked to him, I didn't leave, I agreed with him. Most of it is my fault because air didn't stop or say no.

"Well this sucks." I say to no one. I live alone, and have no ghosts to talk to tonight. Then, I have a plan.

"Hey Martha, do you wanna get together with Heather tonight? Go out for some drinks or something?" I asked my best friend. Martha lived alone too. I couldn't help but feel guilty for murdering Ram. Now, she will never truly be happy.

"That sounds great! Do you want to meet up at that bar a few blocks away from your apartment? What's it called again?" She asked me.

"It's called Lulu's. I'll meet you there in 30 minutes okay? I have to ask Heather." I told her.

"Okay. I'll see you soon!" Martha exclaimed happily. Then I called Heather.

Heather said yes. Now, I wouldn't be lonely for a majority of the night. Go Veronica! I thought to myself. I decided to walk to the bar. It wasn't a long walk and was a nice night. Plus, I didn't want to drink and drive. I wouldn't drink much though. Could never handle a lot after that party.

I grabbed my coat, keys, and headed out the door. Locking it behind me, I walked down the stairs and out of the building into the cool night. I smiled. I felt peaceful. Maybe tonight would be a good one. A good ending to the perfect week.

Unknown's POV

I saw Veronica exit her building. Pulling my coat tighter around myself, a followed at a distance. I was quiet and careful to make sure my footsteps were quiet. Couldn't reveal myself this early, could I? 

I saw the side of her face shining in the moonlight. She was smiling. A true happy smile. It made me want to, but then I thought of what she would be doing.

Probably going on a date, a jealous part of my brain told me. I held in a scoff. This late, Veronica would never. Would she?

Veronica's POV

After a short walk I arrived at Lulu's. Pulling my phone out of my pocket, I texted Martha.

VS: You here yet?

A minute later, my phone dinged.

MD: I'm inside at a booth. Heather is here too

VS: Kk. Look for me

I put my phone away and walked into the noisy bar.

"Veronica!" Martha exclaimed happily as she got out of the booth. She wrapped me in a tight hug. I squeezed her even tighter. I hadn't seen her in forever. I had been so busy with work I had no time for nothing else.

Over her shoulder I saw Heather getting up. Wow, she had changed. I saw her years ago. Back then, she has still been wearing yellow clothes and miniskirts. Now, she wore jeans and a black shirt. Not a hint of yellow in sight.

"Veronica!" She squealed happily. Martha let go of me and was replaced my Heather. 

"I've missed you guys so much! I have a lot to tell you!" Martha said.

Around two hours later, I had found out a lot about my two closest friends. Martha had recently finished her first novel. She was also now teaching a kindergarten class. Heather was a guidance counselor for suicidal teens at a local high school.

"I like to think I'm better than Ms. Fleming was." She admitted.

"Of course you are!" Martha and I told her. We continued to talk as we drank water and ate cheap snacks.

"Oh shit." Heather exclaimed as she looked down at her watch. I pulled out my phone and saw the time.


I had to get back to my apartment. It would be another long day at the office tomorrow.

"I gotta go guys. I have work tomorrow." I told them apologetically.

"It's okay. I have to go to." Martha said. Heather nodded her head. We all put on our coats and contributed to the bill.

"We need to do this more often." Heather told us as we left.

"I'll see you around." I muttered after we parted ways. I walked down the sidewalk alone in the cold night. I felt like I was being watched. I didn't like it. Every few minutes I would turn around only to see no one behind me.

*Time skip brought to you by me having a half day today. Hell yeah*

I slipped under the warm and inviting covers of my bed. My eyes fluttered shut as I fell into a peaceful sleep.

I awoke with a start, jolting up in my bed. I was sweating and remembered the whisps of a nightmare. I remember Heather's eyes. Kurt and Ram's faces. It was all too much for me as I ran to the bathroom .

After emptying my stomach I tried to go back to sleep. Nothing. So much for a full good week. I had no one to talk to about my dreams. The only person who knew was dead. Ashes scattered around Sherwood Ohio.

Suddenly, my room became too warm. The sheets too heavy. I threw them aside as I grabbed my keys off my nightstand. I almost sprinted out the door and down the stairs. 

I stood outside, staring at the starry night sky. Leaning against the wall of my building, I buried my face in my hands. I wanted to cry. 

"Why couldn't we have been 17 J.D? I just wanted a normal life. No murders. No suicides. Just us and slushies." I whispered to the empty air around me. I turned to go back inside when my insides chilled. 

A cold hand squeezed around my heart. My breath left me with an audible whoosh. Goosebumps covered my arms. 

"Greeting and Salutations." I heard him say. Slowly turning around, I saw that bastard myself.

"J.D?" I asked.

"In the flesh." He replied with a chuckle.

"You son of a bitch!"

Hi readers! I'm pretty sure I have half days for most of the school week next week, so I hope I'll be updating more. It's not a guarantee. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed the chapter! I was going to make it short and suspenseful, but I just kept writing. So yeah. On another note, a cut song from Dear Evan Hansen was released recently. It's on YouTube and it's called In the bedroom down the hall. I watched it probably 8 times and could not stop crying. Thank you Piper for sending me the link! Thanks you guys so much for reading this! I really hope you enjoy my story!


Another quick note, holy shit 1335 words are in this chapter!

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