They Reach Out

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TW: None

Connor's POV

I continued to hold Evan in my arms as he cried onto my shoulder. His whole body shook as he sobbed and it broke my heart. I only had eyes for him as I gently rubbed Evan's back. Soon, he stopped crying and his breathing returned to normal.

He pulled away and I had no choice but to release him. Evan didn't move far and was only a few inches away from me on the couch. I don't know what spurred me to hug him, but I'm glad I did. I looked up at Veronica to see her wiping away tears. 

She grabbed a tissue box off of a nearby table, took one, and handed it to Evan. We sat in silence as they sniffled and dried their eyes.

"Evan," Veronica sniffled, "thank you so much for telling me that. I need you to tell me one more thing. What can I do to help you? What do you want me to do?" Evan sat there for a moment.

"I g-guess m-more s-support from m-my friends w-would've helped. But f-for t-that to happen I w-would have to t-tell t-them the t-truth." He admitted quietly. The three of us were silent for a few more minutes until Veronica brightened up.

"I know what we can start with. Connor already knows part of the story, but not the whole thing. You'll start telling Connor what really happened. You can talk to both of us and eventually you'll tell your other friends. How does that sound?" She asked the two of us. That would be great actually, I thought to myself.

"Y-Yeah. I'd l-like that." Evan said. All eyes turned to me.

"Sure." I told them. Veronica smiled. She suddenly got up and walked over to her desk. I heard her search around for a minute before she came back with post-its and pens.

"Exchange your phone numbers so you two can talk." She told us. After giving Evan my number and stuffing his into my pocket, an alarm on Veronica's phone went off.

"Jesus Faist." I muttered as Evan and I jumped. Veronica quickly turned it off and said,

"Our appointment is over. You know when the next one is scheduled, but if you need one before then call or email me. You guys get home safely, alright?" Evan and I exited her office and walked down the hallway.

"See you later Evan." I told him as nonchalantly as possible. I sped up and exited the building. Spotting Cynthia's car, I jogged over to it and climbed in.

"How was your appointment sweetie?" Cynthia asked me as, for once, I buckled up.

"Good." I mumbled. The whole ride back to hell- I mean my house- I stared out the window, thinking about Evan.

As soon as we got to our house I ran up the stairs and into my room.

"Dinner will be ready soon!" Cynthia screeched as I slammed my door shut. I flopped onto my bed and whipped out my phone. Seeing no text yet from Evan, I made him a contact and decided to draw.

*Time skip brought to you by bringing you guys another chapter in the same day. You're welcome*

"Connor! Dinner is ready!" Cynthia shouted. I wasn't hungry so I continued to draw. A little while later my door flew open.

"What the hell!" I yelled as I turned to face the intruder. It was Zoe. Hearing my harsh tone, she flinched and I felt bad.

"Dinner is ready asshole. Mom won't let us eat without you." She grumbled. With a sigh, I closed my notebook and left the safety of my room with Zoe trailing behind me.

I ate as quickly as I could and ran back upstairs. I checked my phone. The screen showed that no messages had been received. Then I realized something.

You are such an idiot, I told myself as I created a new conversation. I should've realized earlier that Evan wouldn't be the first to reach out to me. I would have to do it. So, I did.

I.didn't.throw.that.printer: Hey Evan, this is Connor.

Hi readers! To make up for not posting I decided to give you two chapter in one day! HOLY SHIT! Thank you guys so much for reading this, I thought I was only going to get a few friends I told about this to read it. But wow, as of right now I have 155 reads! (views? What do I call it?) Thank you guys again. Hope you enjoyed the chapter!


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