Chapter 2: Untrusted

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The show was over now and we were at the airport to go home. I had Leilani in my arms covered by a blanket to protect her from the press. Our flight was delayed an hour due to the unexpected raining so we were in the waiting area sitting patiently.

"when we get home we should put up the thanksgiving decorations", Bruno suggested

"I am going to sleep when I get home bitch", I say sarcastically

"alright, little shit", he mumbles

I giggled.

"we need to work on our cussing", he laughs

"momma", I hear

I looked at Bruno and surprised eyes. I removed the blanket and Leilani was already looking at me.

"what did you say Leilani?", I asked hopping she say it again

She looks at me with her big brown eyes that she had inherited from her father.

"momma", she says again

I begin to cry.

"her first word", I sniffed

Bruno begins to laugh and kisses her head.

"you're so emotional", he chuckles

"its my hormones", I chuckled as I wiped my tears away

He kisses my cheek.

"all boarding the flight to California please board you're plane at gate 23"

"let's go Bells", he says as he grabs my bag

I get up and followed the guys onto the plane and take my seat. Bruno puts our stuff in the compartment over our heads and then sits down.

"we are having another baby", He says

"yeah", I smiled

The plane takes off and we were on our way home finally.

I must've fallen asleep because the next thing I knew we were landing in LAX. I looked down and saw that Leilani was fast asleep.

"love, lets go", Bruno says as he grabs our stuff

I put the baby carrier back on and placed her inside of it. I grabbed her blanket, covered her face, and we made our way off the plane. Bruno walks ahead of me with Joe in between us but would look back every so often to check I was alright.

Then as expected the paparazzi started swarm us. A guy from TMZ then walked up to me.

"Hey, Bella TMZ", he says

I waved and continued walking.

"listen we wanted to ask you this question because we all are so curious", he say

"what's up?", I say

"So, Jessica isn't in the picture and that is fine but how is Bruno taking her having a kid by him?", He asks

I laughed. "that is a new one"

He stops me, turns his camera off, and takes his phone up. He shows me an email that Jessica had sent to their headquarters which includes a picture of her and a little boy who looks the same age as Leilani.

"oh wow", I say

"did you not know?", he asks

I shook my head.

"I am sorry I thought you would have known because this been everywhere like all over social media.", he says

I nodded fighting back tears. "don't put that question up on the new episode okay", I say

He nods and hands me his card that included his phone number and email address. I go outside and find the car that was supposed to take us home. I get into it and placed Leilani in her car seat. Bruno soon gets in and we were off.

I was quiet the entire ride home all I could think about this alleged child. I take my phone out and went on her Instagram and sure enough she did have a son. But I couldn't see his face which would've determined if it was his or not.

"Love", Bruno finally says

I turn and looked at him with tearful eyes.

"I am sorry", he whispers

I sniffed and turn away from him and continued to look for a picture of the child's face and at last I did. But this child look only little like Bruno but form the nose everything else was her face.

"we are here", Nick says

I open the door, take out Leilani, and went inside. I went straight to her room so I can put her down for the night.

Once I was finished I went to my room and got undressed for bed.

"Bella", I hear but I ignore

I can't believe I am pregnant and going through stress...again.

Was it the right thing to stay with this man?

What if I had listened to Tayla?

Should I have this baby?

Should I leave?

"what are you thinking?", He asks


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