Chapter 32: They Strike Again

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She was really gone, I left Bruno and his siblings alone, and I went to have a cigarette. I would need to remind Bruno to have me bump before going home or when we get home.

I went out to the smoking sections and there were a few nurses, since I wanted to be alone I went to sit in my rental, and I sit down in it with the window down.

To Babe:

I am in my rental, it's a black Mercedes, and it's right in front of the emergency room. Im there if you need me.

As I smoked my cig I was checking up on my kids and looking on my Instagram. I hear a knock on my window, I looked, and I saw a doctor's jacket. Maybe Bruno sent this lady out here.

"yes?", I asked

"can you come out of your car it'll be easier to talk to you", she says

Odd. I ruled my eyes and get out my car.

"Hello, Bella," she says evilly

I looked up and I noticed it was Porsha. I begin to panic.

"Stay away from me," I warn.

"I'm afraid we can't do that," I hear Jessica says. "You see, you did something bad and you need to be punished."

I turned and she was stalking towards me. Fear washes over me but not for me.

"What do you want?" I ask.

"You'll see," Porsha grins before they both grab me.

I scream but they covered my mouth before anyone notices it. They ignore me as they push me into the car. I stop fighting because I don't want them hurting me two against one wasn't on my list of plans.

I sit quietly in the back of the car as they drive me to Porsha's place before leading me inside.

Once we get inside, Jessica pushes me to the floor but this time I land on my side which was painful because of my stiches. But, before I can say a word, Jessica grabs my hair, pulls me up and pushes me square in the face. More pain rips through me. Suddenly both are hitting, punching and kicking me so I curl up. After a few minutes of this, there's so much pain that I'm no longer aware of where I've been hit.

It must have been a good ten minutes before they stop but I remain curled up. I know I'm bleeding but I was trying to figure out how to get back to the hospital... I wait and listen.

I staggered to stand up and I wobbled my way to the door. I felt really dizzy from the beating I looked down and my hand were bloody. I looked down and see my shit was red, my stiches were open fuck and I only have a week or two lefts for them to be fully healed.

"where the fuck you think you are going?", I hear Porsha say in my ear

She drags me to the stairs and handcuffs me to the railing...I haven't been like this since Christmas.

"Now for your true punishment," Jessica says, and I scream for them to stop once I saw the knife in Porsha's hand.

A/N: Sorry for the shortness but the next one will be long and don't forget to vote and comment!

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