Chapter 19: That's odd

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A\N: The video is what Bella's and Bruno's baby's heartbeat would sound like.

Today Bruno and I were going to our first doctors appointment to see our baby. But before we go he was going to drop Leilani off to Rosie then go to the studio for a meeting. Meanwhile, I was home doing laundry since Stacey was cleaning up in the kitchen.

I hear a knock at the door and I go and answer it.  There was no one there but I look down and I see an envelope.

Odd, I pick it and opened it.

I see these pictures...of Bruno and I having sex when we were having the affair. There was also a letter that reads:

I Know you're secret I will find you

I gasped and closed the door. I rip the pictures and the letter up and threw it in the trash.

"Shit", I say and went back to doing the laundry to keep me busy.

My phone then rings which makes me jump. I answer it with caution without looking at the caler ID.

"Hello?", I say

"Hey, it's me I am outside", Bruno says

"oh, okay", I say and hung up

I take a deep breath and begin to gather my things for what I need for my appointment.

"Stacey, I will be back", I call

"Okay", She says

I go out the door towards Bruno's car. But, for some reason I felt like I was being watched. I quickly got into the car and put my seatbelt on.

"You okay?", He asks

I nodded.

"When can we move?", I ask as he pulls out the driveway

"Um, do you think it is a good idea to move like now?", He asks

"I just don't feel comfortable living around here anymore that's all.If you wanna stay here then we can stay", I sighed

"No, it is alright I was just thinking because of the baby and the wedding it would cause you a lot of stress", He says

I shake my."I would like to move with the month", I say

He nods.

We ride in silence towards the hospital. When we get there, we put on sunglasses, and got out the car.

"Do you want my hood?", He asks

"No, I think your shirt is baggy enough", I answer

We continue our way in and up to the maternity floor, we go to the front desk, and are greeted by a young man who looked about 18.

"Hello, welcome to Cedars-Sinai Hospital. May I have your name?", He asks

"Samuels, Isabella my appointment is at 12:15 with Dr.Mason", I say

He smiles. "Yes, here you are", he says and handed me a clip board.

"Thank you", I say

"Just fill it out and Dr.Mason will be out in a moment", He says

"Thank you", I say

Bruno and I sit down in the waiting room and I begin to fill out my paper work.

"So, what type of house are you planning to move into?", he asks

"Something spacious you know for the kids and visitors and somewhere not in the Hills", I say

"Isabella, Samuels!"

I get up so does Bruno and we follow the nurse into a room.

"Can you take your shoes off and get on the scale", She says

I do so and step onto the scale which shows my weight was 155lbs.

"okay, now can you step over here for your height", She says

I steps against the wall and I feel something on my head.

"Okay, you grew 3 inches", She says

"Still not taller than me", Bruno says

"Shut up", I laughed

"You can put your shoes back on and I am going to take your blood pressure", she says

I sit down, put my shoes on, and held my arm out for her. After she did that we are led to another room and were told Dr.Mason would be in in a moment.

"Do out think we can find out the gender?", Bruno asks

"I don't know maybe. Hopefully, it's a boy", I say

He sighs."Bella, I told you already I am fine with whatever the baby is"

"I know, I just want a boy", I say

I actually wanted another girl but I really wanted to give him a son. I swear if it is not a boy I will scream.

"Whatever, I am not going to fight you on this", He snaps

I bite my lip.

"We, will deal with this when we get home", He says

I looked at him with wide eyes.

"What do you mean?", I ask

"When we get home go to our room, strip, and kneel", He directs

Oh shit, I did it this time. The door opens and Dr.Mason walks in.

"Hey guys", He says


"okay so Bella, you're pregnant again congratulations but you look like you are already in the second trimester...almost to far along when did you find out?", he asks and sits down

"a few days ago?", I mumbled

"You went months without knowing. How?", He asks

I shrugged my shoulders and he just nods.

"have you been eating right?", He asks

I nod.

"have you been stressed out lately?", He asks

I nod.

"well, try to take it easy and hopefully daddy isn't the problem" He laughs

"Nope it isn't me this time", Bruno laughs

"How is Leilani?", He asks

"She is great she just started walking", I say with a smile

He nods and chuckles.

"Okay, we are going to look at you baby, so I am going to have you lay down, and pull your shirt up", He says

I did so and revealed my baby bump. He measures my stomach with a tape measure before putting the cold gel on my stomach which causes me to shiver.

He begins to rub my stomach with the sensor stick and I turn my attention to the screen. After a few moments a ghostly figure showed on the screen.

"there is your baby", He says

I gasped when I see the full figure. I can see it's little body.

"Bella you are about ending your fourth month and entering your fifth month", Dr.Mason says

"wow", I whisper

"and here is the heartbeat", he says

The room was filled with my babies heartbeat which sounds like an army marching in sync. I felt my eyes water as I listen to this beautiful sound.

"Can we find out the gender today?", Bruno asks

"yep, let me see", He says

"Okay it is a..."

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