Chapter 27: We'll See

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It was time for me to go home and I couldn't be happier I hated staying at the hospital for long periods of time.

I was going to me and Bruno's home which was awkward I haven't been there in months. I was told he and the guys moved all my shit and Leilani's back, so everything was taken care of.

I was packing my stuff and the twins stuff.

The hospital was kind enough to give me three months' worth of diapers and wipes which just adds to the collection. I got the Twins dressed and tucked into their car seats now we were just waiting for Bruno to come to take us home.

There's a knock on the door and Joe pokes his head through.

"we are ready Bella. Bruno is in the garage", He says

"Okay, I am ready", I smiled

Him and Nick come in and each grabbed a child while I got the baby bag and my suitcase which hold the diapers and shit.

I put my sunglasses on and we make our way through the hospital down to the garage. As promised Bruno was there but this was a new car a bigger one. It was a white range rover with dark tinted windows.

Bruno comes out the car and walks around to us and grabs one of the car seats.

"get in the car", He says

I shake my head as I get into the passenger seat. I waited patiently for them to finish packing up the car which wasn't long.

"you ready?", Bruno asks while getting in the car

I just nod. He starts the car and we were off to our home.

"I am glad you are coming home", He says breaking the silence

"mhmm", I say

I continue to look out the window.

"what do you want to do when we get home?"

"get settle in", I answer

"how do you want to do this?", He sighs

I looked at him and he glances at me then back to the road.

"I will stay in a room across from yours, the twins will be in there with me, and Leilani will be in her room", I say

"do you want me to have in the room with me and you have the other to make it easier?", he asks

"okay", I mumbled

We pull into the long drive way and he parks the car.

"are you hungry?", he asks

"just a little bit I guess", i sighed

"I will cook dinner for us. Leilani should be here tomorrow along with Sam", He says

I looked at him. "Along with Sam?", I asked

He sighs. "Jessica was going to pick her up to make it easier", he says

I felt my body heat up. I get out the car and go to grabbed one of the twins, I go into the house, and went straight into the room I would be staying and locked the door.

I know damn well he didn't think in would be okay with this woman who disrespected me, made me have a miscarriage, and caused so much drama in my life to be alone with my child. I set the baby down on the bed and began to pace back and forth.

I took a deep breath and went over to my fussing baby. I removed the blanket and see its Addison, I picked her up, and cradled her to my chest tightly.

I kissed her head and looked around. I sighed, I put pillows around the bed in two lines and laid her in between them.

I leave my room and go into the nursery that wasn't finished the last time I was here just to get some equipment for tonight.

I open the door and turn the light on and was surprised at what I was looking at.

The room was finished in the middle of the room were two cradles one blue and one pink facing each other, there were two changing tables side by side with diapers, wipes, soaps, and everything you need for a baby's skin, on the other side was a long table with toys and books, and by the large new bay window there was a rocking chair and a little nook with pillows in them.

I go to the closet and opened it. It was filed with baby clothes one side girl, one side boy, and the middle matching stuff. There was a breast bump on the top shelf, a neck pillow, blankets, and a bottle sterilizer. On the bottom there were more diapers and wipes and a basket for dirty clothes.

"Wow", I gasped

"I finished it a week ago", I hear

I turn to see Bruno at the door with Aiden I assume in his arms.

"it's beautiful", I commented

I go over to Addison's crib and thank god they were on wheels. I filled it with diapers and wipes before rolling out to my room. I take everything out and went to Addison and laid her in her crib with a pacifier in her mouth.

I go back to the nursery in search for a baby monitor. Which I eventually found in a cabinet that was filled with ointments, medicines, and more bottles.

I turned one on and put it in the room and I take the other one. I closed the door and went outside to the poolside.

I sit down, and I hear a bark. I turned to see Geronimo coming to me I kneeled, and he begins to lick my face happily.

"I missed you too my big boy", I smiled

He barks which makes me giggled. I then felt some pain in my stomach and I knew it was my stitches. I get up and go back into the house to take my pain killers.

After that I wondered into the kitchen to look for food as I was searching for food I hear a beeping noise. Bruno then comes in and goes over to the oven, he opens it, and a heavenly smell filled the room. He pulls out a pan of Lasagna and sets it on the counter.

"are you hungry?", He asks

I nodded and bit my lip.

"have a seat", he says as he grabs two plates

I sit at the kitchen island and he set a big piece of lasagna in front of me. I get up and gotten me some water and him a can of soda.

I sit back down and begin to quietly eat.

"it's good", I say as I stuffed my face

"good", he says

I continued to eat quietly.

"Mom is going to drop of Leilani instead of Jessica I am sorry for thinking it was alright to have pick her up when you two have problems", He says

I just nod as I went for more.

"can we try to make us work again?", He asks

"we shall see"

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