Chapter 14: We need to talk

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I wake up to finger prints lightly going up and down my back. I smiled and turned around to face him.

"Hi", I say

He chuckles. "Hi"

"how long have you been up?", I ask

"Not that long"

I plopped myself on my elbow. I look down at myself and notice a few bruises on my arm, and red marks on my chest.

"They will fade away in a few days", He promised

"I know"

He kisses me before getting out of bed and starting to get dress

"What do you want for breakfast?"

Hmm, what do I want for breakfast. Eggs sound good, wait I don't eat eggs ever they are disgusting...but they sound so good right now.

"Babe", he says breaking my train of thought

"Um, Eggs please", I say

He stares at me. "you don't eat eggs", he states

"I know but I have a taste for them", I say

"okay", he sighs

"wanna bring me our daughter in here?", I ask

He nods before leaving the room. I get up and go to the bathroom, I look in the mirror, and I gasp at what I was looking at.

The women room I was looking at was covered in bruises along her arm, hips, and thighs. She had hickeys all over her neck and chest. She also had red marks around her wrists.

"what the hell", I breathed

"what?", Bruno says

I looked at him from the mirror and I watch him get a glance at my bruised up and hickied up body.

"Wow", He says and walks up to me

I didn't say anything I just stood there staring at myself. After maybe a minuet of us staring at my body, I heard Leilani crying, I sighed and went into the bedroom. I go and picked her up from the bed, she began to looking for my boob, and it showed me that she was hungry. I set her up and began to feed her.

"So, I need to talk to you about something", He says and sits beside me

"About?", I asked

"It is about Jessica", he says

That caught my attention, I looked at him, and noticed he was beginning to sweat a little bit.

"What?", I asked

"So, as you know she has a...human"

"a child", I say and began burping her

"yeah, that and its"



I stared at him and he stares back.

"So, you have a son", I ask

"Babe, she's burped you don't need to pat her anymore", He says

He takes her out of my arms which was a good idea because I felt myself boiling up in anger but mostly crushed.

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