Chapter 25: Please

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Ugh, I feel like shit.




I fluttered my eyes open and im blinded by a white light.

"What the fuck", I sighed

I sit up but then I felt a sharp pain in my stomach. I look down and my stomach was flat. I begin to breathe heavily and clutch my stomach, then I begin to cry.

"No", I whispered

I felt hands on mine, I looked up, and Bruno was there.

"Its okay its okay", he cooed

I begin to breathe heavily. "Where are they", I asked

"They are fine, they're in the ICU, and are well", He says

I laid back down and nodded.

"why are you here", I asked

"They are my kids and I care for you", He says

I rolled my eyes."do you really"

"yes, I love you I wouldn't be here if I didn't", he says

I rolled my eyes and hit the call button.

"what are you doing?", he says

"I want to see my kids", I mumbled

"I could take you there you aren't-"

"let me tell you something Bruno, you told me to be a single mother and that's what I am doing, you didn't care about me then and I know you don't now. You looked for a way out and you got what you wanted. Just leave me alone if you want to see the kids make a visit to my house", I spit while the tear formed

"Bella, I fucked up. I really did, I didn't mean to say that shit, I love you, and only you. I want to marry you and raise my kids with you", He says

The nurse walks in with an incubator in front of her and behind her another nurse with an incubator.

"Here are your babies I assumed that's why you called", She says with a smiled

"how long have I been out of it?", I asked

"maybe two or three days. When you came in we took you into emergency surgery because the babies were under destress so we did an emergency C-Section.", She explains

"why are they in there?"

"they weren't breathing well on their own. But, besides all of that they are very healthy, they came out 5 pounds 10 ounces, and you were only 4 weeks early", she says

"Can I hold them?", I asked

She nods with a smile.

"I can take it from here", Bruno says

The nurse nods and she leaves along with the other. Bruno gets up and goes to one of the carriers, opens it, and picks up the baby. This one was covered in a pink blanket so obviously this was the girl. He hands her to me and I cradle her in my arms.

She was sleeping but she was so beautiful.

"you're beautiful", I whimpered as I stared at her

"Addison", I murmured and kissed her forehead

"and Aiden", Bruno says

I looked up at him and he was holding our son.

"Give him to me", I gasped

He walks up to me, hands me Aiden and I give him Addison.

"my son", I cried

I hugged him to my chest tightly. I can't believe that I had a son, my first son.

"Aiden Liam", Bruno say

"Addison Lilly", I mumbled

Aiden begins to fuss and I hit the call button. Since he was in an incubator I don't know if it is safe to breast feed him.

The nurse walks in and she walks to me.

"Yes", she smiles

"is it okay to breastfeed them. I was just wondering since they've been in the carrier"

"oh yeah that is fine", She assures

I nodded.

"Bella, please. Come home", Bruno says

I shake my head.

"I can't Bruno. You wanted me to be a single mother so that is what I am going to do", I sighed as Aiden latched onto my boob

"Bella, I need you. I can't be without you, your are who I am, and you are the person I want in my life please Bella", He says

He purts Addison in her carrier and walks up to me.

"Baby Squirrel please. I need you I don't want anyone but you. I don't want Jessica nor Chanel. I just want the person who carried most of my children. Our love is God remember?", He says

I teared up and looked at him.


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