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While packing my my clothes, mostly the warm weather ones, I thought about my mom. Nothing has gone wrong between her and my dad, they were still together. Which I will forever be grateful for. It's just, she wanted me to grow up in a safer place. They met while my dad was stationed in Gibraltar. That's where we lived for most of my life. Until he was transferred to Kings Row to study on new healing abilities that the scientists had discovered. Something about healing through the sound of music.

Regardless, my mother and father love each other. I just wish I could have gotten to be around her more, rather than just holo-calls. Hologram videos. Holo... phones, whatever.

"Hey kiddo! Ya just about ready?" My father popped his head into my doorway excitedly. Groaning, I stood up.
"Daaad I thought I asked you not to call me that! I'm heckin, 21 now for goodness sake.!" He just smiled wider and shook his head.
"Nah! You'll always be my little girl!" We both just giggled a little.
"Alright," I sighed "I'm almost done with my clothes. Still not really sure what things I should take with me.." Trailing off from my sentence, I looked to my dad for help, again.
"How about pictures of your friends?" Dad said and he walked into my room, looking at all the photos I had. He picked some up. "Jeeze look at these, you've got some in frames, tons of Polaroids... hey what.. happened to that camera anyway?" He gave me a questioning look.
" You mean I didn't tell you?" He just shook his head. "I lost it 3 years ago when we moved from Gibraltar... sorry, I thought I had mentioned it." My shoulders slouched as I crossed my arms. My dad looked pretty disappointed. I was sad too. It was a gift I had gotten from mom. It was a super cool rust textured instax mini camera she custom painted herself. One of the best gifts from her ever! I started using it as soon as I opened it. I loved sending some of the photos to mom. She would write back letters saying how big I had gotten, and how she hoped I was living a good life. Receiving letters from her kept me happy on grim days. I would get all kinds of photos from where she lived. At the time, obviously I had no idea she ran the place. She had one kid in particular who she told me she had been "keeping an eye on." Telling me that his parents had passed and he was quite the trouble maker in the town. Despite that, he was still a kid. Needed a mentor.... I don't think it worked out to well. She hasn't said anything about him since I was 10. I assumed we were close to the same age and he just grew up.

"Helloooo? Earth to (Y/N)? Ya hear me?" Dad interrupted my thoughts with a knock on my doorframe. I stifled a laugh.

"Sorry, I wasn't listening. What'd I miss?" I looked up at him. He held out his hand, showing up four fingers.

"Four. Four large boxes. It's expensive to ship to Australia. Just pick what ya love, okay?" I smiled at him, then felt sad. Tears started welling up in my eyes.

"Can't I just take you with me?!" He frowned, holding his arms out to me. I got up from my spot on the floor and gave him a hug. My tears falling silently. "Please just, be okay. Stay safe and send me letters and call me and just let me know if anything happens.. please!" I looked up at him, a deep frown on my face. He had a few tears in his eyes.

"Aw cmon, stop that. I'll always keep you updated, let you know if something happens. I promise!" Dad hugged me tightly. I hugged him back harder. I didn't want to let go, so we stayed like that for a while. My dad, the only one I knew so well. The only one who knows me. "Alright, pack up! I'll be in my room getting my things together, okay? Let me know when you're ready." I have him one last squeeze.

"Alright, I will." Sighing, I let him go and went back to packing my clothes.


A couple of hours had past and I was finally finished packing my clothes, and most of my belonging. Pictures, character figures, cd's, my art supplies and some books.

"Dad?!" I called for him, putting the last strip of packing tape on the box.

"Yes?" He was already in my doorway.

"Oh. Good timing. I'm done!" He smiled at me from the door.

"Alright, good! Now let's get this stuff in the car and head up to headquarters. They are letting us use one of the planes." Gasping, I looked at him in surprise.

"The ones they use during missions?!" He nodded. " just for us? Or will there be other people there too?!"

"There will be others! Not too many people will be going to Australia though. We're gonna be the last stop." Picking up the box as I stood up, my father grabbed another box and followed me out to the car. "It shouldn't be.. too long of a flight.." he trailed off, setting the box down to get his keys. "10 or 12 hours.... I think." We both got two of the boxes into the car.

"Lets go get the rest so we can finally go see Mom again. I'm nervous. But also very excited! I can't wait! I'm probably gonna cry.!" Dad rested his hand on my shoulder as we went back inside.

"Me too kiddo, me too."

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