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I gazed out of the window at the surface of the earth below. The airship Athena was traveling at impressive speeds. We had already stopped at Hollywood and Numbani. Last stop, Australia. Surprisingly, traveling in the airship was almost nothing like an airplane! Well, except for the terrible thing altitude changes do to your ears.

"Estimated time of arrival to:Australia is. 9 hours, and, 45 minutes. Please make yourself comfortable!" Athenas voice came over the speaker system.

"Hey, (y/n) why don't you rest a little bit?" My dad had brought a pillow and blanket for me. How sweet. I smiled up at him and took them.

"Thanks dad. I'll probably sleep for a couple of hours, then!" Starting to make myself comfortable as he smiled back at me.

"Alright! I'll wake you up when there's food!"


9 hours had passed when I woke up. 'Just 45 minutes left. I'm so... nervous.' I looked down at my knees, clasping my hands together over them. "I can't wait to see mom again..." I said, mumbling to myself. A bit of clatter caught my attention as my dad realized I had awoken.

" look I got you some food! I tried to wake you up when it came but... you were fast asleep! Nothing was waking you!" He hid a laugh and handed my a small plate with a sandwich on it. Jam packed though!

"Good eats for only.. half an hour left of my flight.!" I said, taking the sandwich in my hands.

"I'm glad you woke up! I was afraid we wouldn't be able to get you out of the plane when we landed!" I smiled at my dad, taking a bite out of my sandwich when Soldier 76 walked over to us.

"It won't be long now until we land. Make sure you're prepared for it." My dad nodded his head in acknowledgment. Soldier was stern, but not mean. It was just hard to distinguish the two sometimes.

"Alright. I'm gonna get your stuff and bring it over here so we don't take a long time leaving. It'll be way easier if we can get you to your mom quickly." As he left to get my things, I finished my sandwich and packed up the pillow and blanket he brought me. I slung my backpack over my shoulders and headed over to one of the windows. Below the airship was the ocean. Beautiful blue waters entranced me for a while. Before I knew it I felt my dads hand on my shoulder.

"ya ready kiddo?" I inhaled sharply and let out a sigh.

"ready as I'll ever be."

As the Airship landed, I held on the wall as best as I could for stability. The front door opened and my dad grabbed the handle of a small hover-trolley with my boxes and second suit case on it. As we walked out of the Airship, Soldier 76 stood in the doorway.

"Matthias. Radio me when you and (Y/N) get settled. Since you two are the last stop I'll give you more time than I gave the others. Don't make me regret that." He turned and walked back into the airship as the door closed behind him.

"Stern as ever." My dad said, rubbing his head.

"Was him calling you by your first name bad?" I asked. It seemed bad. He always referred to his comrades by last name or a code name.

"No no! not bad at all. Although he does prefer Alistair... So usually the last name unless he want's to get the point across." As we started heading out towards JunkerTown, my father told me stories about him and mom. Many of which I had heard before. We passed by a canyon and a large bunker like building. A few minutes later we were at the front gates. Watching two men trying to get in.

"Who is it?!" A voices called from a high point on the gates tower. It sounded familiar. One of the two men leapt up into the air, landing on their large trolley full of gold. Ripping off his mask in the process.

"JUNKRAT AND ROADHOG!!" He yelled out. But quickly slapped his hands right back over his mouth. It was hard for me not to laugh. Looking over at my father, he was clenched up with tears coming out of his eyes. He was trying really to hard not to laugh. These two men, well, mostly the loud one, were ridiculous. Suddenly, the gates closed right in front of them with a few loud slams and a huge bang for the very last door. The larger man sighed at his partners insolence.

"Idiot." The louder man looked over at the fuse that was still lit and panicked trying to put it out before it got to close the explosives on the trolley.

"look, Roadhog, I didn't mean to I, ugh." He put out the fuse and finally noticed my father and I trying not to laugh. "well wadda we have over 'ere?" Roadhog looked back at us both and sighed again.


"Roadhog I know! I know!" The man put out the fuse and scratched his head. Which, looking at it now, seemed to also, be on fire.

"Hey loud boy!" I yelled over, "Your hair's on fire!"

"M'names Junkrat sheila! An' my hair aint on fire! S'always like this." Junkrat turned towards Roadhog and gestured to my father and I. "foreigners, right?" Roadhog just huffed and started pushing the trolley away from the door.

"Let's go. It's a waste of time." Junkrat turned to Roadhog and spoke to him, quietly.

"Oy hold on a minute. Those two may be our ticket back in! Get in good with a newbie, get in to the town!"

"What if she finds out who we are.?" Roadhog grumbled. Junkrat turned to look back.

"We'll figure that out if it happens. No harm in tryin'." By the time Junkrat turned back around, we were already at the door. I knocked on the huge doors three times.

"Oy what is it?! Thought I told you runts to scram!" I looked up, trying to see if I could recognize who was up there.

"Elliott is that you?!" My father called out. The name Elliott brought attention to the man as he leaned forward from his post at the top of the gates.

"Allistair? You're still alive?!"

"Yeah I am! Guessing she never told anyone then?"

"Best kept secret the Queen ever kept, or at least one of them! Whole town thought yous' were dead!"


I was listenin' in on their conversation. Tryina' fit together what I could.

"Best kept secret the Queen ever kept!" At that point I stopped listening and turned to Roadhog. He was already looking at me.

"Did he say secret?"

A smile crept on to my face, getting bigger as I began to realize what this meant.

"Did he say Queen?"

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