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It had been a month since she moved to Australia.
And two weeks since she had heard from her dad.
It would be an understatement to say she was scared.

Nothing could stop (y/n) from thinking about her father every day. About how terrified she was that some Omnics turned against their own kind, as well as humanity. But even through all of this, she was also thankful that she had met Roadhog and Junkrat. They had been wonderful at teaching her the way they do things. She was so willing to learn that they had no problem teaching her. What (y/n) wanted more than anything was to keep her family and newfound friends safe. She would always put other people before herself. She considered the people she loved more important than herself.

But she kept secrets.
She hadn't told her mom anything about Junkrat and Roadhog. Or that they had been teaching her combat and how to build her own weapons and traps.

She knew the inevitable.
When the time came she would have to make a choice. (Y/n) knew that she would have to fight. She wanted to. Knowing her father was out there and that her mother was someone people feared made her want to even more.

And nothing was going to stop her.

Junkrat hadn't seen her in a few days and was becoming worried.
"Y'think something happened?" He spoke to Roadhog, who was on the other side of the room. Only grunting and shrugging his shoulders in response, he went back to what he was working on. Junkrat sat in his bed, legs crossed, one bouncing up and down, and a hand on his chin in thought.
"You worry too much about someone we're supposed to be taking advantage of."
"ADVANTAGE?! Roadhog what the hell do you mean by th-" Junkrat froze. So did Roadhog. "Why am I..... so angry...?"
"Did you forget what the plan was?"
"I did... but why... why'd I take it so harshly?!"
Roadhog shook his head, laughing a little.
"One day you'll understand." Junkrat thought about bugging him about it. He wanted to know what he meant. "Rat.... the plan... do you still want to go through with it?"
"What? Wh... why're you askin'?" Roadhog looked at Junkrat, not responding for a while. He met his gaze as best as he could, the mask Roadhog wore got in the way of him being able to see his eyes. Well, unless he was closer. But right now they were pretty far from each other. He couldn't read him. They both stayed silent for a while.
"So?!" Junkrat got defensive again. "S-so I wanna think about it! Ah jus' gimme a minute!!" So he did. Roadhog turned back to his work, and Junkrat buried his head in his palms. He eventually laid back onto the bed and relaxed. He couldn't think of a reason why he would want to go through with the plan. And that bothered him. Why couldn't he do what he was so used to doing? Manipulating people and getting what he wanted was Roadhog and his specialty. Why was he so concerned if he hurt you?! Not like he was afraid if the Queen findin' out or nothin'! "Alright... I don't know why.." he turned back to Roadhog, but he just scoffed.

Why is this so difficult?

Junkrats P.O.V

I don't want to ruin anything. But my plan was foolproof. And I've had a lot of plans over the years. This one can't fall through too! I know Roadhog's gettin' annoyed with how often I fail.
I could list off a billion plans and why they failed. I hate that it happens so much.

"Oy! Roadhog!" He turned to me slightly and grunted.
"Sorry I keep failing..." my voice trailed off at the end to keep it from cracking. My stomach dropped and my eyes began to burn.

"Rat, there's no issue. But I need you to follow through on this one. No more games, no more screw ups. This has to be it." I inhaled sharply and let out a long sigh.

" I uh.. think I'm gonna go for a walk. Maybe see if I can find (y/n).."

"Good. Get a move on." I scowled to myself and got up. I decided against bringing most of my weapons. 'Two or three mines should be okay..' I thought to myself. 'Maybe I'll see (y/n)... well yeah that's the plan, dipshit.' Shaking my head as I strapped the mines to my belt and headed to the door, I let out a quiet sigh.

"Roight... I'm out then.!"

Roadhogs P.O.V

Junkrat was a fool. Of course I knew this plan wasn't going to work. It was going to. Until she stuck around. Until she started caring about us. About him. Junkrat. The one who grew up to know nothing but pain and loneliness, was finally experiencing what he needed. Someone who cared.
I stopped what I was working on and leaned back into my chair. Letting out a long heavy sigh I kept thinking.
We need the money, we need leverage over the Queen. We needed (y/n) to trust us. And she does. But now, so does Junkrat. I don't like admitting I do too, but she reminds me of someone I lost long ago. It's hard not to trust someone like her. Reckless, curious, and fearless. Her kindness towards anyone and everyone is naive. But she does it anyway. Without a care in the world she sees the best in everyone.
The world needs more people like her.

I had just received a letter from Overwatch. From my father.
...sort of.
They had sent the letter to me on behalf of him.  It's not good news.
I sat at my desk and read the letter.

As you are already aware, Overwatch is in a state of emergency. The "Omnics", who are calling themselves Raelconix, to not be associated with Omnics at all.
They're bigger. They've grown. They've learned.
And unfortunately this is all we can include in a non secure letter like this.
I'm sorry (Y/N).

Then a small silver piece of circular metal fell out of the envelope. I picked it up and placed it on it's correct side. It was a tele-communicator. I pressed the small blue button on the front and an image popped up.
It was Lena.
"Hi, (Y/N)! I know I'm not who you wanted to see, but I've got a bit of news for you. And I want you to be sitting down for it." Her voice was sincere as she paused for a moment. I was already sitting so I just braced myself for what was to come. She exhaled and began again.
"These bots, Raelconix, they aren't like what we've fought before, but you knew that. Their army... it's bigger. We're trying to rally anyone we can to help us in the fight against them. So far it's only been slim to none. We're all counting on you and your Mum to try as well. I know you went to Australia to get away but... we fear they may head there as well. All of the major cities in the us and Canada have been hit. And only one of the Overwatch outposts in England, but they aren't stopping. Your father and the rest of the medical team are doing everything they can, and our secret undercover agency, Blackwatch is in full swing to try and locate where the Raelconix are coming from and get intel."  Lena trailed off a bit, swinging back and forth on her feet. Her eyes shifted off to the side, and then back to me.
"I really hope we make it through this. I want to see you again! So much has happened since I met you. And I've got someone I want you to meet!" Her expression was cheery at the end, when a sudden shout caught her attention.

"Tracer! Wrap it up we've got to go!"she turned back to me and spoke in a hushed tone.

"That was Morrison, I've gotta go! Good luck, (Y/N)!! Oh and... don't forget to destroy this!" The transmitter cut off there. I can't tell if I'm sore scared or nervous. Or both. It's probably both.

"The hell's that thing?" The sudden realization of someone else in my room frightened me and I quickly grabbed the transmitter and hid it in my hands. I turned to where the voice came from and let out a sigh of relief.

"Oh, Junker, it's just you.." his face when from curious to bewildered.

"Junker? Just ME?! Well excuuuse me princess! I came out here to look for you and this is the 'Hello' I get?! Not even a 'Ay Junkrat! Good ta see ya! Been a long time hasn' it?!'" He looked angry from his spot in the window.

"Alright! I'm sorry!" I got up and walked over to where he was. "Get in here and be quiet! Can't let my mom know you're here!" He begrudgingly got up and walked further into my room. Suddenly a knock on my door made me freeze in place.

"(Y/N)? You in there? We should talk."


•Everything Changes• Junkrat X ReaderNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ