Outrunning Karma

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My mind is just racing now. I quickly push Junkrat over to my wardrobe.
"Dude get inside!" I whispered to him. He looked at me, bewildered.

"Now why would I-" I pushed my hand against his mouth and shushed him.

"Don't be loud that's my mum at the door you freakin' idiot!" His expression changed to a look of panic.

"Aw shit aw shit aw shit!!" I continued to push him into the closet and called back to my mom.

"Just one second! I'm changing!" My attention turned back to Junkrat and he sat at the bottom of the wardrobe, all squished together. "I hope you fit in here you lanky loudmouth." I whispered sternly, attempting to close the doors. The weren't really staying closed so I had to use the latch to keep them shut. "Just don't move!" I saw him nod in response so I turned to my door to let my mom in. " hey momma! What's up?" I asked, letting her walk into my room.

"Well it's just that... I'm a bit worried." My mother's hands clasped around themselves as she turned back to me. "I haven't heard from your father in a while..."

"Funny you should say that.. I just got something in the mail today from Lena." I motioned for her to sit on my bed as I went to my desk to grab the letter and tele-communicator. Sitting next to her I handed her the letter and communicator. She watched with sadness in her eyes as Lena explained what was going on.

"And this is all we've heard about Matthias?" She looked at me. I only sighed in response.

"Unfortunately. I'm so worried about him too. I can't believe we aren't allowed to know more..." my voice trailed off as I held back small tears. My mom placed a comforting hand on my back and pulled me in for a hug.

"I'm worried too (Y/N). But I'm sure it'll be okay." She tried to sound confident but I could tell that she was scared too. We both worried about him daily. But we didn't talk about it.

I sighed again and hugged my mom back. "Thank you mom." I knew we were both faking confidence. How could we not? It hurt not knowing what was going on. And even more terrifying with the lingering sense of doom. My mom parted from me and spoke quietly to me.

"I'm sorry I haven't been able to be with you recently. All of this "omnic war" stuff is getting to the town. It's hard for me too, y'know? Us being told we'd have to work along side robots that tried to destroy us is hard. And I know they've changed. And I accept that. It's everyone else who can't." My mother face was downcast and turning red. I could tell she was holding back tears. "I want so badly for everyone to understand. To not look at Omnics like this anymore. I know how I used to be. I don't want them to be like that anymore." The words she expressed left me astonished and my mouth agape. She's changed so much since so long ago.

"I'm proud of you, mom" she looked at me with a sincere smile and hugged me tightly.

"I never want anything to happen to you, (Y/N)."

"Nothing will, mom. I promise. And I'm going to keep you safe." She released me from the hug and stood up.

"Don't forget, you can always talk to me about anything. Okay?" I gave her a soft smile and followed her to my door.

"Of course. I will, don't worry!" I glanced back at the wardrobe. 'But right now keeping this secret is better for both of us.'

As she was closing the door I thought of one more question.
"Hey mom, what do you think of Junkrat and Roadhog?"


Hearing her ask her mom that made me freeze in my already uncomfortable position. I sat there waiting to hear her response. Though I knew what it was going to be. After all those years ago that I disappointed her, how could she stand me any longer? I was always causing trouble and it only got worse as I got older.

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