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If it hadn't been obvious to (y/n) that she wasn't prepared for war before, she knew now. The idea of hundreds of these robots shocked her to the core.

"We....we ca..nt... fight.. them....a l l.." She breathed out weakly and swayed to the side, losing her balance a bit. Her left hand clutched her head and her knees buckled. "We...I can-..I can't.... I can't.." Panic was setting in and she'd begun to tear up. Junkrat and Roadhog had moved closer to her and Mercy to protect them.

"(Y/n), please, please get up. We need you.. I need you." She could hear the pain in Junkrat's voice.
But everything wavered.
"Everyone, we're getting out of here!" Mercy called. Everyone began to run towards the front gates, (y/n) knowing the path all too well.

"Mercy what happened... why are we running away?! Coulda' gave me an' Roadie two more minutes and we could have finished at least one off!"

"We don't have time! They have to detonate the bomb in the Omnium!"

The color drained from Junkrats face.
He knew what that meant.
It meant people would die.
The town he lived in was going to disappear.
Once again he was going to hurt.
He turned to (y/n) and held her face in his hands.
"We're gonna get outa here, okay? You, me an' Roadie will get outa here and be fine, a'right?" His words he knew were only as true as he wished them to be.

All of you made it to the smaller Athena ship fairly quickly. But things still weren't going well. Mercy was trying her best to quickly heal wounds and get everyone feeling at least a little better while the ship started up. Before it was fully ready, rumbling caught everyone's attention.

"No... no it can't be.. we had a huge gap between them!" Mercy had a look of dread on her face.
The G-14 unit everyone had been fighting appeared at the entrance. Along with the behemoth of a Raelconix that we tried so desperately to avoid. Mercy Radioed to Soldier.
"Morrison! We are in the ship! Is the Omnium ready to be detonated?!...Yes... understood sir. Mercy offline until detonation." She took her earpiece out and looked at the map in the middle of the ship.
Something caught your eye. You noticed that the larger G14 unit readying it's whip.
The ship started to take off but you knew it would be too late.

"Guys,.... GET TO THE BACK OF THE SHIP!" You hollered at everyone.
Your mistake was waiting to go to the back yourself.

The grapple end of the whip crashed through the huge glass window, and hit the wall of the ship, right above everyone's heads. The G14 unit began pulling on the whip, trying to get the ship back down as it tried to take off.
Unfortunately, it didn't stay in place. The grapple released from the wall, and was yanked back to the Raelconix. But not before it caught you in your side, stabbing you but all the while... yanking you from the broken window of the ship.

"No!! (Y/n)!!" Junkrat yelled, running towards the broken window as the ship elevated exceedingly quickly. Mercy and Roadhog held him back as he cried out for you, reaching out the window as the G14 unit tied you up and carried you back into JunkerTown. Junkrat watched as you tried desperately to get out of their grip.
"Let me go!! Please! I can save her! Let me save her!" Junkrat struggled against Roadhog and Mercy.
"We can't go back or we will all die." Mercy told him. Junkrat felt all of his energy leave his body as he watched you hopelessly.
You looked back before the airship got too far and your eyes met Junkrats. Both equally full of tears.
Then the airship was out of sight and you were thrown to the ground of JunkerTown.

Moments later, Junkrat sat in silence at the window of the airship.

And the bomb was detonated.

A couple of weeks later, Junkrat and Roadhog were being slowly added to the Overwatch team. Courtesy of Mercy.

The Queen had gone out to join her husband in the fight, and avenge her daughter.

The day after Junkrat and Roadhogs official integration, a funeral was held for you even though they couldn't go back to JunkerTown. It was small. Only the people who went on the mission attended. Soldier, Mercy, Zarya, Genji, Junkrat and Roadhog all had gathered on the hillside of the Overwatch facility in Gibraltar. It was quiet, and for the rest of the day, no one understood why Soldier wasn't barking orders at everyone.
A few months had passed and the war was slowly looking better for humanity. Over 10 Omniums has been destroyed and as far as the Overwatch teams were concerned, it was going to be over soon.

Or so they thought.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2019 ⏰

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