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I awoke the next morning in a bit of a haze.
"What happened last night...?" I looked around the room I was in and then down at myself. Both my arm and leg were off. Wondering where I put them, I scanned the room again. That was when my eyes landed on (Y/N). She was sitting on the ledge of her window, facing away from me. Her (h/l) (h/c) hair blowing in the wind. Quickly, Panic spread through my body as I hobbled over to her.
"(Y-Y/N)! Get away from th' edge of the window!" I croaked out, my voice still gravelly from just waking up. I feared the worst. She turned around quickly and gave me a soft smile.

"Oh Junkrat! Don't worry! I sit here a lot.." she moved over a bit to the right and patted the open space next to her. "C'mon, join me." Her voice was smooth and calming. Without my arm and leg it was a little difficult to get next to her, but she helped me. "I noticed you'd taken those off when I woke up this morning. So I moved them beside my wardrobe." She glanced over her shoulder. I did the same and saw them. She had them next to each other.

"Thanks for that!" I grinned at her, she gave me back a small smile. It looked a bit sad. And I could tell she was still thinking about last night. I sighed.

"Still pretty early and it's already this hot, huh?"

"Yeah it gets... pretty hot. That's why I installed this umbrella thing over the window." She reached up and pulled a small lever, and a sun shader popped out over her window. "I can thank you guys for that! Teaching me how to make my own things and how everything works has helped me a lot!"

"(Y/N)!! You're a genius!!" I grinned at her, her face turning a bit red.

"Awwh, hush! I'd not know how to do this without you! But thank you!" (Y/N) smiled sweetly at me. My heart pounded a little harder, making me cough. "Are you okay? Do you need some water?!" She was genuinely worried for me, how sweet.

"Y-yeah! Water'd be nice!" She quickly got up and left the room.
"What did I do to deserve someone like her? Always doing anything for me..." I was only speaking to myself in a whisper. "She's not like anyone I've ever met. I know she's going through at lot too." Sighing, I leaned against the window frame and stared off into the desolate wasteland that was once a beautiful Australia. Though I only vaguely remember it. "This place used to be wonderful..."

"What happened?" I was startled by (Y/N) suddenly appearing next to me. She only giggled as she handed me the water and sat down next to me. I took a huge chug of water and let out a long exhale.

"Well.... it's kind of a looong story. You sure you wanna hear about it?" Her only response was looking up and me and nodding. "Allllroight then!" I paused. "You sure you wanna hear about it? It ain't a pretty story." Her curiosity turned in to a look of frustration. She whipped her head forward and crossed her arms.

"Mom won't tell me anything! And neither would my dad, I already gave up on asking them! You and Roadhog are the only other ones who I can ask. Please tell me!" She looked back at me with puppy eyes.

"Agh! Dammit! Alroight! Just cut th' cutesie act out, will ya?!"

"Right, okay!" She quickly looked straight and sat up. "I'm ready! Lay it all on me." Her eyes met mine briefly. I could see so much in her (e/c) eyes. Nothing like I had ever seen before. Not with the people of JunkerTown. I sighed deeply. 'Do I really wanna tell her all this? I'm sure she'll annoy me if I don't...'

"Honestly (Y/N) I'm surprised your oldies hadn't told ya' 'bout it already."

"My.. oldies?"

"Oi' ye'a! Yer' "rents"!" I air quoted rents. "You really need ta' learn your Aussie slang! You'd be stuck without me!"

"Junkrat! Please! Maybe later! You're distracting me! We have to focus on what I need to know. Please!" She pleaded with me.

•Everything Changes• Junkrat X ReaderUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum