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A week had passed since Junkrat and Roadhog had heard or seen (Y/N).
"I figured she woulda stopped by by now." Junkrat said with frustration. "Makes it hard to get this plan moving along." Roadhog just nodded his head in agreement. "Maybe I should go look for her? Ah no how'll I find her I can't get in. Guess I could go around the outside and see if maybe I can figure out where she is. I'm sure she's with her mom. Maybe if I use a mine I can get high enough and see in. OR I could-"

"You're rambling. Just go." Roadhog cut me off. "We need to get this plan in to motion. If we don't soon...who knows what'll happen." I sighed. He was right. The longer I wait, the harder it is to get anything accomplished. Getting up, I put on all of my gear.

"Roight. Well. Wish me luck!" Roadhog just huffed. "Okay then.!" I grinned and walked out of the base. Heading towards the town I tried to come up with a good way to find her.



I stood in the center of my room, putting my hands on my hips I let out a deep sigh. "Alright, time to get this room cleaned up, and the way I want!" I pulled my hair back into a high ponytail. "But first, some music." Walking over to my dresser I turned on the boombox Mom had gotten for me as a gift when I got here. My bed frame was made from scraps of metal and wood. It actually looked really nice. I pushed it up agains the wall right by the front window. The huge wardrobe was already in the corner to the left of my bed. I decided not to move it for my own sake. Turning to my dresser I pushed it into the opposite corner of the wardrobe. I hung some lights from the ceiling and along the walls around my bed. Walking back to the middle of my room, I dusted my hands off and let out a deep breath. Looking around, taking it all in. It was wonderful. A cozy, not too small, but spacious room.
"Aesthetically pleasing. Just how I'd imagined it." Smiling I went over to the window on my back wall. It faced the outside of the town, and the rest of Australia. "It's beautiful here.. absolutely perfect." Taking it all in I leaned against the window sill. I'm not sure how long I stayed there when something else finally caught my attention. Looking down I saw someone walking along the outskirts of town. "Who is that.." pausing for a moment, squinting to see if I could figure out who I was looking at. "Aw, no way.... it can't be. Is.... is that Junkrat?" It is. No one can mistake that head of flaming hair. 'Maybe I should call out to him. It has been a while since I've talked to him.' I thought to myself. "Yeah," I shrugged "what the heck?" Why not? No harm in getting his attention.
"Hey Junkrat!!!" I yelled down to him. It was loud enough and I got his attention!
"Oi..(Y/N), is that you? Where've you been!!" He shouted back to me. Sounding almost angry.
"Well.. I've been here! Mom was showing me around, I was cleaning my-" I was cut off to the sights of Junkrat detonating a bomb under his feet. My jaw dropped as he flew into the air, reaching my window with ease.
"This'll be a lot better! Now I can hear ya!" How is he not dead.
"How are you not even the slightest bit injured?!" I was in pure disbelief.
"I've got a bit of gunpowder on me face... that's about all.!" My eyes were still wild. He chuckled. "Aye don't worry about it! Im used to getting blown up!"
"I-what?.. used to it how can you be used to it..." I trailed off. I'll never understand this guy.
"Anyway, you've been gone for a week! You uh.." he hesitated. "You mean to tell me you didn't think to come see us once?"
"What! Sure I did! I tried to talk to my mom about it but she kept me busy! Junkrat I'm offended!" He scoffed at me.
"Well, so am I!" He slid off of my windowsill and made his was across my room to my bed. Sitting down and placing his hands on the edge of the bed he looked back up at me. "But you can come over soon, right? What about now?! You aren't doing anything, are ya?"
"You seem rather excited to be with me!" Smiling at him I sat down on the bed beside him. "Couldn't wait for me. Could ya?" I 'booped' him on the nose. He face reddened a bit on his cheeks.
"Yea, maybe. That or I'm impatient!" He smiled back at me, a big toothy grin. My smile only became greater as I giggled.
"I'm glad you came to find me, Junkrat!"
"Aye, no problem. I've been itchin' to get outa the warehouse anyway!"
"So, am I going with you today or not?" Junkrat pretended to think really hard for a moment. Pursing his lips and placing his hand on his chin. Looking side to side as he spoke again.
"Aaaaallroit. I guess you can come with me today! On ONE condition.... Don't tell your mother you're with us. And before you ask why, I'll sum it up for you. She doesn't really like us all too well and kicked us out. I've been on me best behavior to try and get 'er to let us back in, but she won't. That's why Roadhog an' I live roight outside town."
"Oh. Uhm.. alright. I won't tell her. It'll be hard though! How will I get in and out?!"
"That's for you to figure out. You're a.. smart girl I'm sure you can figure something out." He hesitated before he said 'smart'. He probably doesn't think that at all. I'll show him.
"I can probably just tell the guard I'm out exploring! And I can tell mom that too! I'm sure they'll believe it! This is a new place fore me after all!" Junkrat had a look of 'are you serious' on his face for a moment before he got up and walked towards the back window.
"Sure. Tell them that! Let's get going."
"What do you mean..? We've got to go through the gate!"
"Not if you're me!" He grabbed my wrist and pulled me into him as he climbed onto the windowsill. Placing a mine right under the window he angled himself, and me, towards his home.
"Wait wait Junkrat! What are you DOING?!!" He looked me, smiling again.
"Going home!" He shouted, laughing maniacally as he detonated the mine.

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