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The whole time she's here my head is reeling. I can't think straight. This girl is way too kind and way too trusting. I can't believe this plan is working so well. Walking back to my little corner of the room I sat on my bed, crossing my legs as she paced back and forth talking on the phone to her dad. Can't imagine she has much to tell him. We're just a couple of junkers. But there she was rambling on and on about "how much fun she's having" and how "she's never met such cool people before". Bah! I don't believe 'er. Watching her talk to her dad was like watching a baby elephant that just figured out how to move its trunk. She talks with her hands. Her expressions show that she really is just oblivious to who we really are. I study the way she moves as she finally starts settling down. She smiles, hanging up the phone and turning back to me, grinning.
And then it happens.
My heart feels like it could lurch out of my chest. What is she doing to me? What kind of spell am I under? Is this a bloody curse or am I dying? Or both. My face scrunches up in confusion but I manage to smile back at her.
"My dad is happy for me! I'm so glad! But he's warned me to be careful. Y'all might be 'dangerous'." She held up air quotes and mimicked her dad. I let out a small giggle.
"Yeah! We're a couple a no good junkers! He's every roight ta' be scared for ya!" She just smiles at me and asks me again about learning how to make things like Roadhog and I do. I'm half listening.

"Helloooooooooo? Earth to Junk-Man?! Were you listening?" I shake my head sheepishly and look at my hands.

"I wasn't. Sorry.."

"It's alright.. Hey but.. Will you teach me how to fight too?" Her asking this made me confused. I looked up at her, she was serious.

"Why wouldya wanna learn t'do that?" She exhaled, her lips forming a line. She looks at her phone, then back to me, and then away from me.

"The Omnics are returning. I need to learn how to fight so I can protect my family." At this point I'm bewildered. Omnics? No way. That Overwatch group and freedom fighters took care of them years ago..Right?

"So, hold on. You're tellin' me.. Omnics have returned.?"

"Yeah.. they have.. but, they aren't like before. The Omnics that live amongst us now and the new ones have nothing to do with each other. That's actually what I was talking to my dad about. The field team my dad is a part of came in to contact with the Omnics. They have a leader, and tons of smaller factions set to invade certain areas.... at least that's what they think." She paused and looked at me with utter sadness in her eyes. A look I hadn't seen from anyone in years. "I want... I want to protect my family... my mom and dad are the only ones I have left."

"It pains me to see you like this.. I'll teach ya (y/n)." I placed my hand on her shoulder. "Don't worry, I promise." She looked up at me. The sun caught her eyes and lit them up. My hand gripped her shoulder a little while she stared at me.
"Thank you so much Junkrat!" Tears began to form in her eyes. "You don't know how much this means to me..."
"I'll take a guess..." my voice trailed off and I kept the rest to myself. "Hey, in exchange for me teaching you... would you give Roadhog and I as much information as you can about these new Omnics? I mean, since you dad is in Overwatch after all." She seemed a little confused at first, but understood and nodded her head.
"Maybe we can actually contribute to helping them too!" Now I was the one confused. Which I guess she caught on to because she began to explain what she meant.
"Maybe that's how I'll train ya! We could go out, hunt down these no good Omnics and gather information!"
"Maybe... Though, I'm not trained for combat at all. I would probably hinder you rather than help you.." she trailed off. Although, she had a point.
"Can't you do somethin'...mathematical? I mean you gotta be at least a little smart, roight?!" I had to hold back a small giggle when she pouted. Oh she is just too easy to mess with!
"I'm smart, yeah! But I want to fight. Will you at least train me a little bit before we're throwing ourselves to the Omnics?" (Y/n) pleaded with me.
"Of course I will. No point in risking your life. Even if it ain't worth much!" Her pout got worse. Which threw me into a fit of giggles. She was... less amused by my insult.
"Hey! That hurts yknow." Damn it. She looks like she could cry.
"Aaahh heh, fine. I'm sorry (y/n) I didn't mean it! Just some friendly banter." I hate what she's doing to me. Making me say sorry. Why the hell am I doing this!? She playfully pushed my shoulder. "It's alright. I probably need to toughen up anyway. Can't take everything so harshly!"
"You wanna toughen up?!" I leapt off the bed in excitement. "You wanna get strong?! Be better than ever?! BUST THOSE OMNICS?!!" She stared at me wide-eyed.

And began to laugh. She jumped off of the bed and grabbed my hands.
"This is perfect! I can't wait to get started!"


It had been 5 hours since we started teaching (Y/N) how to fight. We started her with a pistol, and she's got the hang of it.
"I feel like I'm not doing much with this.."
"Well whatta' you expect?"
"Uh.. rapid fire?"
"What like a machine gun?"
"Yeah!! Rapid fire! Shooty shooty!" She grinned at me widely. Showing her teeth, mimicking... me, probably.
"Aye! Are you making fun'a' me with that smile?!"
"Well! No- I- I was just smiling!!" I caught her off guard and she stuttered. Trying to find what to say.
"Ah Sheila I'm just messin' with ya'!!" Her face turned red and she looked away from me.
"Thought I told you not to call me that!"
"It may slip a few times! I'll try though! Hehe!" I grinned at her, though her attention was no longer on me. She stared off at the sunset and muttered under her breath.
"It's gotten late, hasn't it?"
"It has... yeah.. 'S'pose I should be taking ya home then?" Turning to me, she smiled. The kindness in her smile was something that resonated inside of me.  "Oi! Cut that out!"
"What? Smiling?"
"Yeah! Hurts me heart!" She looks bewildered.
"You're insane, Junk-boy!"
"Well now you're finally catching' on! Let's get you home then," I extended my hand to her and she placed hers upon my own gracefully. "Shall we?" She smiled and walked towards me as I readied another explosive to send us to her home.
"We shall!"

•Everything Changes• Junkrat X ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang