This Is War

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We watched in horror as the Raelconix ship made its way over JunkerTown. Roadhog was going as fast as he could with his bike. From the ship the Omnics dropped into JunkerTown, ash and dust began to fill the air. When we arrived, Overwatch soldiers had already begun battle, some even firing at the ship. Soldier was telling new groups where to go as others moved in behind them. My ears began to ring as the realization of war set in.

"This can't be happening... can it?" My question went unanswered as it was just a whisper. Junkrat and Roadhog led me out and up to Soldier. My mind was blank as he tried to get my attention.

"(Y/n)! Snap out of it!! There's no time for this. War has begun." Soldier left us there to assist in battle. I could only assume my mother was inside already fighting for the town she was in charge of. Suddenly Junkrat's face was in front of mine.

"Cmon cmon cmon! We gotta move!" His look changed from anxious to worried as his hand came up and wiped my cheek. "(Y/n), don't know if you've noticed, but... you're crying." He spoke softly. And he was right. I hadn't noticed. "If you don't wanna fight, it's okay. This is scary for someone like you, and it's all new."

"It's my home too. Even though I didn't live here long." I wiped away my tears and looked at him and Roadhog confidently. "I'm fighting for what I love.!!" Junkrat gave me a smirk and Roadhog nodded his head.

"Let's go then!" Roadhog said as we followed the soldiers into battle.


Entering JunkerTown was easy. But getting around? Not so much. There were many Raelconix, and more dropping down. Eventually the ship landed and they began marching in. Only a few highly skilled Overwatch operatives were sent in to try and destroy the ship from the inside. They were armed with bombs as a last resort to destroy it. But that would include JunkerTown with it.

The training that I had was coming in handy, and my shockwave gun was doing more damage than I expected. Destroying sentries with this thing was easy. But I had yet to take on any of the bigger robots. Junkrat and Roadhog took care of those. They cleared paths as we ducked and weaved around JunkerTown. We started to find many injured people as we went further in.

"How do we get a medic over here?!" I shouted over the sounds of gunfire to Roadhog, who was only a few feet away. He shrugged his shoulders and hooked a smaller robot to him, killing it almost instantly.

"We need to find Mercy. You should go do that. Rat and I can handle things here." I nodded and ran off towards the entrance of JunkerTown.

I went as stealthily as possible. My legs shaking the entire time. Sure, with Junkrat and Roadhog, everything felt like a breeze. But here on my own? This is a lot more terrifying than I had imagined. So far I had gotten past every Omnic, new and old. But, good god, there were so many Omnics I had never seen before.

And that's what I saw them.

Two Omnics that looked just like the Orisa unit Efi had reprogrammed.
But.... at least 10 feet taller.
They towered over smaller shops in the town and I knew they would tower over me. Instead of guns like Orisa, they had red energy swords. More rounded, rather than long, and pulsating with energy.

"Energy and electricity..." I breathed out "maybe it'll work?" I looked down and the gun in my hand and the blade on my side. I smiled to myself, thinking about Junkrat and how special it made me feel that he wanted to make these for me.
I shook my head, still smiling.
"Alright, lets get Mercy."
I kept walking along the insides of the connected buildings. I knew I was getting closer to the entrance of JunkerTown, even though I couldn't see the outside. This hasn't been so bad! And with Mercy with me on the way back, I'll be unstoppable! Maybe.
As I rounded the last corner I noticed something odd about the final hall that connected to the entrance.
"Shit! It's caved in.... Fuck! What am I gonna do?!" I looked around for anything that could help me clear the way.
I hadn't noticed I had been standing in the opened doorway.
Suddenly my waist felt tight and I was yanked out of the room. Only for a split second did I think it was Roadhog. It wasn't until my body hit the dirt road and was dragged along did I realize how stupid that was. I tried desperately to release myself and stop myself from moving. But it wasn't long until I was lifted off the ground and face to face with the new OR Omnic.
I didn't notice it had a fucking whip!
I looked down at the red whip that was latched around my waist. It had the same color and energy pattern as the sword. A shock of electricity surged through my veins as the whip lit up and flashed.
I let out the most painful, blood curdling scream I'd ever heard.
My head began to spin and my vision went dark for a second. Then another flash and electricity, almost amplified by double.
"AAGGHH! Fuck.. f..fuck" My body slumped forward as the Omnic lifted me closer to its face. I coughed and tasted iron. I knew it was blood immediately.
"What,.. Are you...? Why are you here?! you.. w..ant...?" The more I spoke, the worse it got for me. My throat felt like it was closing.
The Omnic blinked, then turned its head to the side a little.
"You know who we are. We are the Raelconix." It's tone was flat. "Unless you mean me. I am the Control unit G14-NT." It's tone had changed completely and I was startled by it.
"G...14...why are *cough* why are the Raelconix attacking..?" I managed to choke out. It dropped me to the ground.
"You. Do not need to know."
Great. Stupid fucking robot won't even answer my question. My thoughts were interrupted when the G14 unit swung its sword down next to me. I dodged it as quickly as I could and bolted for any place to hide. I went back through the doorway it had initially yanked me from, and ran up the stairs that were in the back. I reloaded my gun and got ready to fire when I needed to. I made my way to the bridge in the middle of town. Lying on my stomach I crawled my way to the bridge, but stayed inside. I watched the two Raelconix walk under the bridge and make their way around.

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