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When Overwatch landed in JunkerTown, they were surprised to be greeted by The Queen herself.

"The situation must be worse than I feared if you lot are here." Her voice was strong and did not waver. Soldier76 was the only one to step forward. He reached his hand out to shake The Queen's hand. She gave a firm handshake as Soldier began to speak.

"I wasn't expecting you to know much information, but I'm sure Matthias has already told you what's going on."

"Only as much as he could. You don't let him give away much information." Her voice was stern, and a bit cold. Of course she felt some resentment towards Overwatch, but she couldn't blame them.

Angela came up behind them, greeting The Queen with a quick smile and handed Soldier a small file. "Angela will re-brief you and assist with briefing the people of JunkerTown. We need now more than ever for your cooperation. You understand, don't you?" The Queen looked at Soldier, and then behind him to the Overwatch troopers unloading and setting up a base camp.

"How many did you bring?"

"I'm sorry?" Soldiers attitude shifted and so did his weight.

"Your soldiers... How many people have you brought to help us?" As much as she tried to sound confident, Soldier could tell that she was anxious and worried.

"Enough. We have over 200 soldiers who will be stationed here with you." He tried his best to reassure her, but he only held more bad news. "Unfortunately I am not able to stay here, and Matthias will not be here either. I still have to get the last few squadrons to their cities, and Matthias is currently in Busan. That's where the first strike happened. Luckily one of our own was able to take care of it."
When Junkrat and (y/n) realized that the airship was landing, they bolted towards it. Without even thinking, Junkrat grabbed her hand and she intertwined her fingers with his. They were both blushing but they didn't dare look at each other.

"Look!" (Y/n) pointed forward, "there's my mom! And Soldier76... yikes...." Her voice trailed off. "This is a lot worse than I thought it was going to be."
They kept getting closer and seeing more and more Overwatch troops. Junkrat squeezed (y/n)'s hand. He wouldn't admit that it was out of his own fear. After all, him and Roadhog were wanted criminals. Who's to say they wouldn't take him in right here?

Junkrat suddenly slowed down and stopped running.

"Jamison? Are you alright..?" (Y/n) said, bringing their entwined hands up. She placed a small kiss on his hand and Junkrat blushed.

"(Y/n) I'm a criminal.... I-I don't know what they'll do when they see me." Worry flooded his voice and lungs. She knew.

"I understand. I promise I will protect you, okay? I will not let anything happen to you. You and Roadhog are key allies in this fight. They'll have to see that." Junkrat sighed and turned to (y/n).

"I hope you're right."

"I know I'm right." Her confidence was through the roof as they both strode up to Soldier76 and the Queen, (y/n) leading the way. Junkrat followed close behind her, trying to regain what confidence he had. How was he supposed to face the Queen. He wanted to apologize, but he didn't understand why. And he hated it. He hated that his feeling were a mess and he didn't understand any of it and had no one to talk to about it. He couldn't talk to (y/n). She makes him way too flustered.

They stopped walking and Junkrat looked up. Instinctively he grabbed his upper left arm with his robotic hand. Shyly looking from (y/n), to the Queen, to Soldier, and then the ground. The conversation the three were having was being lost in his head. The fear and worry he had was takin over. His grip on (y/n)'s hand was loosening.

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