Call My Dad

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We soared through the air because of the mine. This is an amazing feeling! Almost like I'm flying! I gripped on to Junkrat as we began to descend and lose altitude. This.. this feeling was not so great. I had to hold in my screams for not only my sake, but Junkrats as well. As we finally hit the ground he let me go and I collapsed onto the dirt. Sweet, sweet ground!
"Ah, you'll get used to it!" I let out the air I had been holding in.
"I feel like my stomach was in my head and then dropped to my feet.!" He giggled a bit and helped me up.
"Yeh! You'll get used to that too!"
"You mean you plan on doing this to me again?!" Junkrat grinned at me.
"Sure!" I sat up from laying on the ground and dusted myself off.
"I can't wait to tell my dad about you guys... he'll be so happy for me!" He gave me a confused look and held out his hand. I grabbed it and he helped me up.
"Why would he be happy for you?"
"Well, he may laugh. Considering how we technically first met!"Giggling I remembered the day my father and I saw Junkrat and Roadhog. What a day that was! "But I'm sure he'll be happy that I actually made friends"
"You're a weird one, (y/n)" I stared at him flatly.
"Oh! Ugh!" Scoffing at him I held a look of disbelief and disgust on my face. "You're one to talk! When I first saw you, you were hollering like a maniac!"
"NAAHH, Sheila that's just me charm!"
"Junkrat people don't even say sheila anymore! Don't call me that! You know my name!" I playfully hit his arm and laughed a while as we walked along the dirt path to his home. If that's even what it's considered. He always calls it a warehouse. It was pretty big. Imagine renovating a warehouse to be your home! It could look however you wanted! All the pretty fairy lights to add, or bedrooms and closets and crafting areas! What a dream come true that would be!
"Oy!" My attention was brought back to Earth by Junkrat, waving his hand in my face. "You still alive in there?"
"Yeah! Sorry! I was just imagining how your home must look!"
"S'not really a home, more like a warehouse. Unfortunately. I do live there, though. So I've got a room and everything! Sort of..."
"What do you mean sort of?"
"Eh, its more like just a corner of the warehouse where all my stuff is!"
"That's neat! I hope it's cool!"
"I mean, it is pretty neat! If I doooo say so myself! And I do!" He grinned at me and I did so right back as we continued walking back to the warehouse. It already felt like we had been walking for quite a bit when he grabbed my hand and began a sprint to his home.
"C'mon c'mon!" Junkrat said with excitement as he pulled me along. "Were almost there!" His happiness make me laugh. Catching his step we both ran to the front of the warehouse. I was a little out of breath... okay a lot out of breath. He looked at me, noticing how heavily I was breathing.
"Y'alright (y/n)?! Bit'a exercise for ya?!" Catching my breath, finally, I spoke up.
"Yeah yeah, I'm outta shape! I know it already.!"
"Y'know, I could change that?" Those words made me shoot him a quizzical glance. "By training you! Learning how to have some basic stamina to do things. Jeeze Sheila. Get your head outta the gutter!"
"Pft. Sure! It wouldn't hurt.!.. An' I thought I told you not to call me that.!" It was kind of getting on my nerves.
"Yeah yeah, alright. Maybe sometimes?" I pouted and furrowed my eyebrows. "ah ca'mon maybe just a few times?"
"Alroight! Fine! I'll try an' cut back on it! But we should go inside! Roadhog's waiting for us!" He fumbled around with some locks on the outside of the  door as he opened it to let us in. Walking inside I looked around at everything. A motorcycle in the middle of the warehouse, decked out in yellows and greens. A huge tool station with tons of pieces and scrap to work on almost anything. A drawing board for blueprints of new ideas. An upper loft with a couch, side table, tv and a few other things. And in the corner, and bed, nightstand and a few lights. Scraps and papers littered the corner of the warehouse. I'll bet that's his corner.
"So is that your corner then?" I asked, pointing to it.
"Ah, yeah, bit less than you were expecting isn't it?"
"Well I wasn't expecting much anyway! So this is fine!" He scoffed at me.
"(Y/n) I am offended!!"
"Ah gee I'm so-"
"Nah! I was just messin' with ya! Don't take everything to heart so easily!" Junkrat smiled and walked further into the warehouse. "Oi! Roadhog! I'm back!" He turned to look at me before speaking again. "And guess who I brought~!" He called slyly. Suddenly Roadhog's head poked up from the upper loft.
"So you found her."
"Eh more or less!" He shrugged.
"Yeah more like I found you.!" I said to him, smiling.
"Anyway, she's here! I'm gonna show her how to make things! Like traps and bombs and explo-" I put my hand out in front of him, cutting him off.
"Maybe just... teach me the basics first." He gave me a crooked smile and shook his head in agreement. 

"No problem! gotta learn those too! I can teach you how to weld. It'll help!"

"That sounds like fun Junkrat! Thank you!" I said, smiling kindly to him. My hands brushed around each other. I was excited to start something new! "Oh but first! Let me call my dad!" 

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