Bad Touch

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Junkrats P.O.V
'So they're somethin' the Queen kept secret huh? May 'ave just found our ticket back inta' the place!' Rubbing my chin I thought to myself.
"We need another devious plan Roadie... an' I think I know juuust what to do!" I held a grin on my face as I ran over to the girl. Make friends with 'er. She'll invite us in. I caught up to her as her father and the old fart Elliott were makin' small talk.

"'Scuse me miss and who might you be? I mean, y'know my name, but I don't seem to know yours!" God this better work.

"Oh! Uh, my names (Y/N)!" The way she looked at me was weird. Not a hint of fear on her eyes at all. I'll have to change that.

"Roight. (Y/N). Never heard of ya. You new round here or somethin'?" She giggled at me. I'm getting weird feelings about her.

"Yes, I'm new! Uhm, s-so... who are you guys? I mean, I know your names but, why won't they let you in?" I tensed up. Shit! She's already asking these questions.

"Ah that's not important. Y'see that buildin' over there?" I pointed over my shoulder back to our base. She looked from me to the base and nodded her head. "That's where we live. stop by if ye ever need anything. alroight?" (Y/n) smiled at me, a kindhearted smile. Yeesh. Just gotta keep up this act till she trusts us.

"(Y/N)! C'mon let's go! Mom's waiting for you!" Her old man called for her.

"Oh man hes already through the gate.." She turned back to me and held out her hand. "It was nice to meet you Junkrat! I'll try and come by soon!" Cautiously I shook her hand in my metal one. She's naive. Turning back to the gate, she jogged to catch up to her father. Instinctively I wanted to follow her, but the gate was slammed behind them before I could even move.

Then it hit me. All at once a realization. Stupidly I put together clues way too late.






She can't be.

I turned back to Roadhog, who was still pulling the trolley back to the base. "Ugh." I slouched and reluctantly walked back to him. "Aye Roadie! 'Old onna' minute!" He stopped.


"I figured out who we were just lookin' at." I seemed to have piqued his interest. "S'Queens Daughter. Best damn kept secret for sure." Roadhog chuckled and leaned on the trolley.

"We have an in, then? I'm guessing she can at least tolerate you. She shook your hand." He laughed a bit harder this time. I pouted. "Didn't even run away disgusted!"

"Ay! I mean, I'm not too bad!... Am I?" Roadhog paused and looked at me.

"I'll consider ourselves lucky this time. Now let's get this gold back to the base."

"You're right! Ye we didn't steal this gold for nothin'!"


As we entered the base, Roadhog pulled the trolley to the right side and opened the secret door.

"I'll get this put away in here. I need you to get working on a new plan."

"Oi! Aint' I supposed to be making the rules around here?!" Roadhog glared at me again.

"You've had one good idea today, but saying that takes it right back."

"Alright, alright! Sheesh." Big man's kind of scary when hes annoyed. I mean, I aint' scared of him... But, yknow. Heading over to my small corner of the base, I sat on my bed and started thinking of a new plan. Ten minutes had passed. I can't think of a good idea. Rubbing my face with slight frustration, I reach under my bed and pull out my sketchbook. 'let's try and get these creative juices flowing. I'm sure Roadhog won't mind if I do this for a while.' Looking up I saw that Roadhog had finished putting away the gold.

"I'm heading out to get some things. Do you need anything?" Thinking for a moment as I tapped my pencil on my chin.

"Eh, More scrap pieces would be nice! And, uh... More pencils?" He shook his head a laughed a bit.

"Alright Rat. I'll get you more pencils. Don't get in to any trouble without me. And... Try to think of a plan." I nodded as he left and started drawing. Something, anything that could get me back on track. I'll admit, I do like to draw, don't think I'm very good at it though.


Before I realize it, 3 hours had passed. I had drawn, ripped out, and tossed everything I drew. Except for the one I just finished. Looking down at my finished drawing, I became confused. Fuck. I just drew her. The girl I didn't even know. She's still in my god damn head. How did I even finish this without realizing?! I closed my sketchbook and tossed it back under the bed. Slinging my legs over the edge of my bead, I slouched and put my head in my hands.

"What is wrong with me?!"

"What's that, Rat?"

"Oh Roadhog you're back. Good!"

"Yeah. Got your pencils and found some good scrap pieces. Couple of car parts and such. You think of a plan yet?" I grimaced. Being so caught up drawing made me forget about trying to think of a plan.

"Eh. kinda. I think for now, we just gotta let her get to trust us. Lets focus on that for now. If she comes here and finds any evidence of a plan to betray her, it could be curtains for us." Roadhog tilted his head.

"Smart thinking. Good looking out for the future." I chuckled nervously.

"Y-yeah, exactly.!" Fidgeted with my hands. "I wonder what I'll learn from her."

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