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7 months came and went just like that.

Training every day, getting stronger, seeing progress.

(Y/N) could finally say she was happy with herself. The training was boosting her confidence. It gave her hope and helped her believe she could protect what she cared for.

Little did she know the moments she dreaded were vastly approaching.

Overwatch headquarters: Kings Row

Sirens were blaring. Omnics had overrun Kings Row in a matter of days. 'What'll they do to smaller cities like JunkerTown? How am I going to warn my family?' Matthias' head hurt already, and that thought sure didn't help. He scrambled to get together what paperwork and equipment he could. Overwatch's Kings Row Sector had to evacuate. They had already dispatched a team of IronClad tanks, OR-15 units and a few of the healers to aid with holding back the Raelconix army.

We can only hope it'll be enough.

Matthias did all he could to warn his family. He prayed that the got his letter.

One week later

(Y/n) was sitting on what she called her balcony, even though it was just a window ledge, when her mother came into her room. She quickly turned as the sudden intrusion, but dread quickly filled her mind, seeing the look in her mothers eyes. In her hands she clutched a letter from your father. What happened to him?!

"I-is it dad?!"

"No, it's not. He's safe, thank god, but we may not be." She had moved over to sit with her daughter at the window ledge, still on the inside. "He... He says the enemy, who call themselves Raelconix, are attacking in full force. Their army is huge.... he... he thinks JunkerTown may not survive an attack."

Those words swirled around (y/n)'s head. May not make it? But I thought we were safe here.

"M-mom I need to tell you something." God how am I even gonna tell her this? That I've been hanging out with Junkrat and Roadhog?! Learning how to fight?

"What is it dear? Are you okay?!" Her mother sounded concerned, but not scared.

"Yeah,, it's just, I-I-I uhm..." Her words were slowly losing themselves, but she knew if she didn't just spit it out, she never would. "I've been sneaking out!"

"You what."

"I've been sneaking out... to see Junkrat and Roadhog..." The last part was said quieter, but since they were the only ones in the room, she heard it.

The Queen was dumbfounded, to say the least. Why them? She thought.
"Wh... why?" Was all she could manage. Her voice was flat and, downright confused. "Those two are the last people I would expect you to even want to be around.!" (Y/n) tensed up. She knew she felt something for them. And, totally oblivious to herself, something even more for Junkrat. But she could feel her cheeks heating up, thinking about him. "Hon, your face has gone all red. You alright?"

"Yeah, no! I'm okay it's just.. I was scared to tell you. Figured you'd be mad."

"Well, I am, a little. Just so long as they don't hurt you. Okay?" The Queen placed a hand on her daughters shoulder and looked into her eyes. (Y/n) knew her mother was being sincere. She reached around and hugged her mom back instead.

"Don't worry mom. They're actually.... teaching me how to fight." She broke the hug and looked back into her mothers eyes. "I'm going to protect us, I promise.!"

Same day: Junkrat and Roadhog's base

Junkrat and Roadhog sat in their respective corners of their base. Junkrat was hard at work on a weapon for (Y/n). Well, two actually. Since he knew Omnics were coming back, electricity would be a good upper-hand to have. Even if it only stunned them momentarily. He was working on your gun, fully automatic and the bullets were electrified. So, bullet damage as well as some electrical current shockwaves. The second was a larger pocket knife with a long blade that almost worked like a taser, just way more amplified. Junkrat was giddy and couldn't stay still. The thought of your face lighting up from his "secret gift" for you make him feel like his heart could explode. His grin was from ear to ear.

"I think if I smile too much longer my face'll fall off!" He said to himself as he tried to force a frown on his face. Junkrat only failed and fell into a fit of giggles.

And realization hit him like a Wrecking Ball.

He stopped what he was doing and turned to his friend across the room.
"Oy' Roadhog?" In which his friends only response was a small glance, but an understood full attention.
"What's uhm..... what's love feel like?" Roadhog was only a bit taken aback. After all, he could already tell the two he had been "in charge" of had feelings for each other. He thought it all the weirder that is was Junkrat who realized it first.

"Do you like (y/n), huh.?"
Junkrat sputtered in disbelief and tried to say no, but it only came out in stammers.
"Don't worry rat, your little secret's safe with me. Although, I'm sure she wouldn't mind if you told her."

"Well whadda ya mean by that?" Junkrat inquired. Roadhog only went back to working.

"You'll find out."

4 hours later

Junkrat had finished both of the weapons for (y/n). He was proud of it, to say the least!

"Aye Roadie, I'm gonna go get (y/n) and bring 'er here! She needs training with her new weapons."

"This is becoming quite a constant theme, isn't it?"

"Whot?" genuine confusion from Junkrat. "Whatever! Yeah, it is. But it's fine. Roight?"
Roadhog nodded and that was all Junkrat needed. He headed out of the door on the right, to the far side of JunkerTown. Junkrat glances up at the sky and saw what he assumed was just an airship passing by. He stopped and watched it for a while, but as it got closer, he recognized the insignia on the side.


"Now what in the fuck are they doing here?!"


Hearing (y/n)'s voice beside me suddenly was frightening.

"How'd you get out here so quickly?!"
"I made a ladder ! Whatever it's not important! I know why they're here, and it's not good. I got a letter from my dad. I-it's the Raelconix. They've started the assault.! We are looking at an all out war."

War. Not again.
"You know I can't lose you, (y/n).."  She turned to face me, her cheeks were dusted with pink. She lifted her hand and rested it on my arm.

"You won't, Junkrat, I promise." Her voice was soft, and genuine.

Something hit me. Like a rock in my chest just dropped and lurched forward at the same time.

"Please," I looked at the ground, and put my forehead against hers. "Promise me we'll stick together. In this absolute mess that's going to happen, we've gotta have each other's backs, roight?" Her hands found mine and she squeezed them.

"Of course Jamie! We're gonna get through this together.!" I grinned. Jamie... haven't heard that one in a real long time.

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