12:39 pm

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it was finally saturday, and usually when richie would be more than happy to do nothing, for some reason he felt.. sad.

he felt lonely. and he didn't understand why.

he thought for a moment, thinking about how he could possibly make this feeling stop, but all he could think about was eddie.


"hey eds," he spoke in to the telephone as he fidgeted with the spiraling cord, "think your mom will let you hang out with me today?"

he could practically hear eddie smiling over the line, "let me go ask, hold one just one second, 'kay?" he heard eddie set the phone down and the quietest pitter patter sound of feet running on the ground.

richie waited patiently for eddie to return to the phone, smiling as big as ever.

"RICH!" eddie yelled, making richie jump, "she said yes!" the tall boy silently jumped around in joy and carefully put the phone back to his ear, trying to sound as calm as possible,

richie said, failing to look even remotely calm.

"is right now okay?" eddie said, laughing at richie's excitement, "yes! oh my god i can't wait to see your cute little face.. okay i'll seen you soon okay?"

"kay rich, see you soon!"

ok i didn't have any time to write out the hang out but it'll be in the next part :)))) sorry this is crappy

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