Part Two: "He's a snake"

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Cinnamon's POV:

Since I had found out about the murder of Simon Orsik, the news channels were fixated on his story. He owned a multi-millionaire furniture business and had three children. According to the news, he had set up a few dodgy deals in his time, owed a lot of people money and was caught up in drug scandals.

"Come on Cinnamon, you can't just lie here all day thinking about all this crap, you've got things to do!" I said to myself in attempt to encourage myself to get out of bed. I rolled out of bed and got ready to start my morning.

Whilst waiting in the Starbucks queue to order my breakfast, I felt a rather aggressive poke on my back. As I turned around I saw Olivia's beaming face.

"Fancy seeing you here" she smiled at me.

I laughed "not really, this is my go to place for food you know that". In the background of our conversation the television up in the corner was broadcasting the yet unsolved case on Simon Orsik. I saw Olivia's big brown eyes wander to that corner and shake her head in dismay.

"It's such a shame" she sighed "who would do that to a man with a wife and kids, it's so disgusting" her eyes regained contact with mine. I pondered on whether or not telling her that yesterday I was a potential suspect. But I looked around and realised that this wasn't a safe place to enclose anything with her.

"Maybe he had a lot of skeletons in his closet, they did say that he owed a lot of people money, and maybe he wasn't faithful to his wife, maybe..." before I could finish the barrister behind the counter interrupted me to get my order.

I made my way to a table for two with my vanilla bean frappe and strawberry muffin.

"Hey! What the heck was that all about?" Olivia said as she took a seat opposite me. She focused her eyes on me.

"What?" apathetically I said.

"He wasn't faithful to his wife?" she said in disbelief "why did you say that? The news hasn't said anything like that, how can you sit there and judge a man that YOU don't know?" it felt like I was being questioned by Dominic again.

Anger ran through my veins "Because! It's called speculation Olivia! How can you sit there and stick up for a man that YOU barely know? I don't know him, YOU don't know him why do we both care so much our lives aren't affected for Christ's sake!" I shouted at her, and everyone in Starbucks was looking at us.

"Excuse me ladies, is everything okay?"

Perfect timing. Prying Dominic was here, was right here in Starbucks and had to drag his intrusive body into my private conversation.

"Yes, we're fine you can go now" I couldn't stop thinking about the things he said to me when he came to my house, he was so judgemental, but so clever in how he made me feel disgusting.

"You may be fine Cinnamon but I'm not" Olivia was taken aback by how I acted, she looked away from me and turned her head round to face Dominic "I don't know who you are, but, mind if I join you for breakfast?" she subtly bit her lip.

Dominic rested his arms onto our table "See I'm flattered, really, and I'd take you up on that, but Cinnamon here already owes me a coffee date so" he turned his head to face me "is now a good time?" he winked at me which made my skin crawl.

"Now is not a good time" I picked up my bag and got out of my seat "in fact never is a good time so leave me be unless it's got something to do with your stupid detective work, and by the way delete my number, it's a bit unprofessional isn't it" I had to old back my tears. I was so confused about his intentions: did he like me or did I make his skin turn because of my job? I felt so belittled by him that I just wanted to get away from him.

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