Part Four: "She could never fool me"

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Dominic's POV

Several cameras and ring lights were intimidating me. Anxiety had curled into my stomach, preventing the words that I had practised in my mirror leave my mouth.

A news reporter bombarded my face with her microphone, prompting me to speak. I inhaled deeply, and contained my feelings "The Pennsylvania police department have reason to believe that the murder of Simon Orsik and Peter Moore are linked" as I begun, my rehearsed sentences swiftly left my mouth "we have not yet drawn any conclusions yet, however we do not want our community to live in fear. We will find who is responsible for this and one of our main concerns is keeping our community safe, if you have any information regarding these two murders I urge that you step forward, thank you".

As I rushed past the chaotic crowd who had come for some answers, I saw Cinnamon standing at the very back, looking like a ghost.

"Are you okay?" I said as I walked up to her.

She nodded her head "I guess, I just can't believe Peter is murdered" she shook her head, and I could hear her heart palptating "I didn't know him well but to think he was at my house the other day, you even saw him and he was fine".

"I never saw him?" I asked in confusion. She furrowed her brow "yes you did, when you came to my house saying you saw Lance, and you saw Peter and said he looked like a friend"

Through agitation due to her lies, I raised my voice "why are you lying? I never went to your house the only time I've been was when I came with two police officers" I regained my self-control and lowered my voice "that never happened Cinnamon, why would I care about Lance, he's irrelevant to me, and if it did happen I'm sure I would've remembered it"

Cinnamon looked at me with her mouth wide open "I'm not lying Dominic, I don't know if it's the stress making you forget things, but it did happen, I think you should get some sleep" she rubbed my arm "everything is going to be okay, I hope" and then she left.

I wasn't sure about Cinnamon's intentions, or why she was lying about me. I would've remembered my best friend leaving a prostitute's house, she could never fool me that easily.


I woke up lying on my sofa to the sound of finger snaps.

"Dominic wake up!"

I couldn't believe my eyes. I must've been dreaming it couldn't be true. There was no way that Peter was wandering around my living room.

"Your best friend has been murdered and all you are going to do is drink whiskey and sleep?" he laughed "come on! Find the asshole that killed me! Send them to prison and throw away the key" the ghost of Peter, or whatever, sat beside me.

"I'm trying Peter, I'm just damned" talking to my hallucination of Peter wasn't at all crazy... was it?

"Think! Who was out to get me Dominic, who was psychotic enough to butcher me outside a block of flats? Is there anyone acting fishy around you"

I closed my eyes so hard until I gave myself a migraine. When I opened them it seemed it had brought me back to reality. I refreshed myself with a cup of tea and then made my way down to the station to solve a homicide.


The new evidence that the forensics team had gathered stared at me through plastic wallets. Peter's murder had correlations with Simon's murder. They had both been slit by the throat and left leant against a wall. So it was obvious to me that we had a serial killer on our hands, but I had trouble concluding any motives from anyone connected to Simon and Peter, until I was handed Peter's phone. It took a hacker hours to get into the phone, but when he did a text was revealed that connected all the dots. It read:

Peter: I've called you twice can you please pick up

Peter: I've got good cash... don't be like this

Peter: Hey Cinnamon, would you want to meet anytime soon?

Peter: If you want me stop texting you just say and I will

Cinnamon: I haven't been on my phone in a while sorry

Peter: Finally you replied haha, are you still up for a night together, I'll pay you 700 dollars J

Cinnamon: You're bloody annoying, please leave me alone, stop calling me and stop knocking on my door, I feel like stabbing you in the head and killing you because you make my skin crawl

Peter: Wow, WTF. You're the whore that decided to be a prostitute LOL.

I was dumbfounded by the fact that Cinnamon had innocent eyes this entire time. She acted so angelic and oblivious, when really she was the culprit. But I finally had so concrete evidence to make an arrest. Due to my triumph my lips formed into a devilish smirk.


Author's note: This part is kind of short but it is the most important part as Dominic has progressed in his investigation, but is he being steered the right way??

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