Part Twenty: "my conniving tactics"

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I clenched my fists as hard as I could in attempt to suppress the need to thump Cinnamon as hard as I could. She just wouldn't shut her huge mouth and soon someone would hear her.

"I DESERVE BETTER THAN YOU" I heard her scream. Better than me? How does she even have the audacity to think that, let alone say it. There is nothing better than me, and if she doesn't want me then this is what she deserves.
I raised my clenched first up high, and drove it into the temple of her head. She knocked her head hard onto the concrete wall, and then violently thundered to the ground. I would never have guessed that her body would make such a huge noise.

I bent down to check her pulse; she was still alive. Holy shit I thought. What was I supposed to do? I didn't kill her, but I wished she was dead, then this would've been a lot easier.

I sat on the bed patiently waiting for her to gain consciousness. As I waited, I got out some fresh clean clothes from my bag and laid them out on the bed.

I then heard heavy breathing. I saw Cinnamon gasp for air as she was on the floor. With my quick instinct, I grabbed a plastic bag that was in my bag and patrolled down towards her. Grabbing her by her head, I wrapped the plastic bag around her face and held tightly onto it. She tried to struggle free by kicking and squirming around but it was no use as I had a firm grip on her. I didn't even care that the woman that I loved was inches away from me begging for her life. It didn't phase me. She brought it on herself, if only she shut her mouth and listened I thought.
Gradually, Cinnamon's attempt at freedom slowed down. Her movements became slower and her breathing became slower. Eventually she stopped moving. I removed the plastic bag and studied her face. That glow that she always possessed had been diminished. Her face was lifeless and pale. I kissed her forehead and then tucked her blonde soft hear behind her ear. "I didn't want to do this but you left me no choice" I delicately whispered in her ear. I turned my head away quickly as I tried not to heave. This was way too real for me. It was different, the other times I had murdered, because everything seemed elusive and imaginary. But right now, I knew this was real life. I couldn't even blame this on my other identity because it was I, Dominic, who had murdered this beautiful soul in cold blood. I felt a little guilt, which aggravated me because I had to move on. Cinnamon is dead, get over it you loser I said to myself.

Due to my conniving tactics, I hatched a plan to make it look like Cinnamon had committed suicide. I dragged her body down to the bathroom and filled the bath up with water. Whilst I waited it to fill, I used the knife that she had threatened to kill me with to slit her wrists. As I sliced into her thick skin fresh blood started to ooze out uncontrollably. It flowed out like a waterfall.

I picked up Cinnamon and dropped her body into the water. Before I left the bathroom, I made sure that I wiped the knife clean of any fingerprints. Using a cloth, I threw the knife into the bath.

As I reached the door I took one last look at Cinnamon's body. My eyes started to fill up with tears. Her fragile body was drenched in water. She no longer looked beautiful, she looked like an eerie ghost. The girl that I had always loved was gone.

I went back to the bed and changed into my clean clothes.

* *
I made my way to the top of the stairs and looked over down into the lobby. I noticed several police cars. "For God's sake" I complained. There was no way I could get out the main entrance without being stopped for interrogation so I had to find an alternative option. I remembered when I had sneaked into the back to sort out the receptionist last night, that was an easy way to get out. So i discreetly walked down the stairs and straight on.

I had safely made it into my car without getting caught. With no hesitation, I started my car and headed straight for the airport.

* *

Everything was running smoothly. I had made it into the air port and had checked in. I had to board in 15 minutes so I sat in the first class lounge watching the news.

"Our top story is a young woman who was on trial for murder was found dead in her hotel room" the news report said.

My heart raced and beads of sweat formed on my head. I pulled the hood of my jumper right across my head and continued to watch the news, despite it making me feel terrified.

"Police officers are searching for a Dominic Crawford who was supposedly sharing a room with her" the reporter continued.

The rate of my heart slowed down. I wasn't suspected of anything, nobody new. I regained my normal breathing pace.

"Passengers for the Paris flight please board your plane" the air hostess called out.

I sipped on my champagne as I sat in the aero plane seat of first class. I was getting away with everything scotch free. I didn't need to worry about anything anymore as I was starting a new life. I could be whatever I wanted to be. With Cinnamon gone, that monster inside of me was gone too. Cinnamon was a catalyst for my murdering behavior, she was the reason why I went insane. But now in France, I wouldn't ever have to worry about that again.

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what do you think of this chapter?
do you think dominic will get caught?
votes / comments would be appreciated
thanks for reading 💘
xoxo, ima.

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