Part Five: "It's not looking good now"

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Cinnamon's POV:

I paced up and down the corridor of the police station. My heart was pounding against my chest as if it were about to explode. I felt nauseous and couldn't process my thoughts clearly. My hands were tied behind my back in tight handcuffs, every time I moved them I ended up straining my delicate hands even more.

"Come this way" Dominic gestured his hand towards a dark and foreboding room. In it was a police officer who gently set me free from my cuffs. "You are going to be recorded in here, if you want to stop the interview at any time please inform us" the police officer said "here is a list of your legal rights in here, we do have a lawyer waiting if you intend on having one but if things proceed from here you will be required to fund for your own lawyer, please read what I have given you" he had a hint of melancholy in his deep voice.

My hands rapidly shook as I took hold of the piece of paper. Every single word on the paper was just a big blur, my vision was reflective of my inner feeling: petrified. I didn't even try to make sense of the big blur on the paper and so I just nodded and handed it back. "no I would not like a lawyer, I don't need anyone to prove my actual innoence"

Dominic and the police officer gave me some time to 'talk' to my lawyer. He was muttering something about incriminating evidence. But I couldn't even concentrate on what he was saying. All that was going through my mind was the events that occurred in the last three hours. Dominic gave me the most chilling and demonic smile as he spilled the words "you're under arrest" when he came to my house and then forced me into the hand cuffs.

When Dominic and Leon, the other police officer, re-entered the room they pushed forward a piece of paper which looked like it had a screenshot from iMessage on it.

"Read this" Leon pushed the paper forward so it stared at me directly "read it and tell me what you meant by this"

As I read it my blood began to boil. They couldn't have brought me in for a silly threat. I meant nothing by it. I sat there and began to sob uncontrollably. Tears fished out my eyes like a broken faucet. "I-I I swear I meant
nothing about this" my cries became heavier. I felt clammy, and felt as if I was stuck in a never ending nightmare. My heart raced at tremendous speeds, and my lungs shallowly rose and fell in time.

"We thought it was just a silly misunderstanding, but we can't overlook the fact that he literally was murdered a day after you sent this" Dominic leaned back in his chair, preying on me. His bright blue eyes had a devilish tint to them, and reigned over my entire body.

"You can't arrest me over this!" I shook my head uncontrollably "unless you find my blood or ANYTHING of mine then arrest me this is a waste of time when the real killer is out there!" I found myself shouting at the top of my lungs. Hiding my crippling anxiety was becoming impossible.

"Hmmm" Leon pretended that he was in a deep thought to accentuate his dominance over me "we kinda have found 'something' of your Cinnamon, looks to be a golden lock" he pushed forward a clear plastic bag with nothing noticeable in it, I had to pick it up and direct it towards the light to see a light blonde strand of hair; identical to mine. "And we've already done a dna test whilst you were waiting to be called in hence why we asked you for a piece of your hair".

Dominic leant in forward again to the point where I could taste his cologne "It's not looking good now is it Cinnamon, unless you can provide us with a substantial alibi like you did when Simon Orsik"

My brain completely shut down and I couldn't even fathom a sentence. I had no alibi. And I was going to be locked away for a murder I didn't commit. "I was at home, on my own" I wept, knowing that they were loving this.

"For now, you are on bail. You are not to leave Pennsylvania until court. You will be posted any information regarded the court case. If we need you for further questioning we will stop by your house" Leon said. He stopped the recording and let me leave the room.


I rested my head on top of Lance's muscular arm in my bed. He was the only person I confided in after being questioned as I couldn't reach Olivia's phone. Lance was so understanding and he reassured me that he would help me catch the real culprit. Everything was extremely unclear regarding the murders, the motive was unknown and the murders just kept coming back to me. Peter wasn't a bad man, he was weird, but he wasn't malicious. He was just heartbroken. How someone could do such a heinous thing to another human baffled me, but I had a limited amount of time to find out. The fact that I was going to be out on trial for a murder I didn't commit was enough for me to persevere through my, unthought of, plan.

"Lance" I looked up at him "I'm scared, what if I don't find the person who did this, i'm not a detective I'm not anything, I'm stupid and i'll go down for this" my voice cracked due to my fear.

"Cinnamon no, you are an english teacher, you are creative, creative people have the quickest processing minds, you can do this" he smiled at me.

Guilt etched at my heart. I wished for a time machine so I could go back and undo that lie I told Lance, go back and never have had put my self up on auction like a commodity, I wished Lance could go back and not have broken my heart for an unsuspected reason. I wished we could both rectify every mistake we had made. However we could not. "Lance thank you for being here for me, it's getting late, go home and i'll call you tomorrow"

end of part 5. who do you think really killed simon and peter? are the murders related? but more importantly have you even met the murderer yet? hmmmm. thank you so much for reading xoxo

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