Part Twelve: "I QUIT"

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"I was expecting to see you" I heard, as I reluctantly walked into the psychiatric consulting room. A middle aged man, who was wearing a strange tartan suit, lowered his gaze as I made my way to the sofa. "My name is Gerald Ackles"

His room had a very homey feel to it, which was patronizing to me as this did not feel like my home.

"Jeff told me about you" he got out of his arm chair and started walking around "I've heard you've been quite obsessive recently, and you've been experiencing mood swings. Is that right?" he asked me.

I slowly nodded my head "Yes but that's not why I'm here. I'm here because of my dreams" I spoke so softly and calmly, as if I had never raised my voice in my lifetime.

"Explain your dreams Dominic, I'm not here to judge you" he said.
And so I explained every twisted detail of my dangerous dreams. I told him how my hands had groped this innocent girl my her neck and made her beg for her life. How every time I awoke from these nightmares I expected my self to be drenched in blood. How they seemed so real.

"You wanna know what is the scariest thing about my dreams" I stood up and formed my mouth into a side smile and slightly raised my voice. "I kind of enjoy them. They make me feel alive"
Gerald fixated his eyes on me "Are you a sadist Dominic"

I laughed "You expect me to answer that Gerald? Therapists are stupid. I'm done" As I headed for the door Gerald rushed in front of me. "You can't go, I think you have dissociative identity disorder, we've only had 20 minutes together tell me more I can help you"

I pushed him out the way and flung his towering double doors open.

"Dominic you could be a danger to yourself and others please come back!"
But I ignored this pathetic plead.

The therapy session was a complete waste of my time so I decided to drive to the station and inform Jeff that his suggestion was uncalled for. But I couldn't even concentrate on the roads properly as all that was ringing through my ears was 'dissociative identity disorder' . I pulled up on an empty parking street and whipped out my phone. I frantically typed away on google and I hesitantly waited for the webpages to loads. And when they did I felt my heart drop in fear inside of me. "A person may have different personalities or identity controlling their thoughts and behavior. Symptoms may include mood swings, night terrors or unexplainable nightmares, irrational behavior, general memory problems"

"I have those" I said to myself. I looked in my mirror above my windshield and I didn't even recognize the man who was sitting in the driver seat.

I launched my foot hard on my gas pedal and zoomed down to the station.

"HI EVERYONE" I shouted as I barged into the station "Where's Jeff"

"Dominic go home" Jeff said.

"Shut up. I took your shitty advice Jeff, and the b*****d told me I have split personality" I laughed "Anyway I'm here to pick up some of my things because I QUIT Jeff, I've had enough of you treating me like a child. Oh and did you guys hear about Lance? Good riddance I say"

I managed to tune out everything Jeff was saying in his pathetic monotone voice.
I entered my office and was faced, again, with the same pictures of Simon and Peter. I stared at them for a good while until I was hit with a sharp pain in my head. I cuffed my hands over my mouth to muffle my shouting in pain.

I see Simon in a dark alley way counting his money. I guess he's going to give it to that beautiful whore Cinnamon. I run up to him and stab him with my pen knife as hard as I can and leave him there to die. I don't even get to see my handy work as I had to run away quick, I can't risk getting caught.

"What the f**k" I said aloud "what's happening" I was so perplexed and confused that I cowered down and sat in a corner, rocking to and fro.
My vision went blurry again.

"Dominic why do you have a knife"
Peter was so useless. Didn't he realize he was dead?
"Stay away from Cinnamon Peter"
"Dominic, what's going on? I'm your best friend you can..."
I cut him short. I literally cut him short. I took my fine knife and sliced a mark across his neck. It was easy because he didn't expect that his best friend would murder him. We were in an empty parking lot and so I had time to admire the beautiful sea of blood I had created.

I returned back to reality. But I wished for the opposite. I couldn't begin to fathom what had even happened to me or how those flashbacks were even in my memories, but I knew exactly what they meant. Gerald was right, I had something wrong with me, whether or not I was just mental or had another identity, I was dangerous. I killed two men in cold blood and I was unaware of it this whole time. I wished so hard that my mind had suppressed those memories like it had been doing for the past month. I hated this new knowledge I had learnt about myself. But I had no choice but to persevere with my life, nobody suspected me and I was going to make sure that they never will.

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End of part 12 :)
Hope you enjoyed this part.
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