Part Fifteen: "It's all a surprise"

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I had called Olivia over to reveal my plan of running away. I couldn't keep it to myself.
But as I anticipated, Olivia forbid the idea.

"You can't runaway, they will find you" she said in a patronizing way, as if I had never pondered about that possibility.

"And if they do so what? They'll just bring me back to court. There's no harm in trying, what have I got to lose" I waited for her reply. But she didn't say anything. "I know you're only looking out for me, and I love you for that, but I have to do this, this is the only chance I have of freedom"

She shook her head "You didn't kill those men, so they'll see you as innocent and you'll be free"

I rolled my eyes "Olivia, the evidence is against me. The jury wants me behind bars because they see me as a dirty whore"

She was still shaking her head "Remember the last time you ran away with a boy? Lance screwed you over, it's inevitable that Dominic will do the same"

I scoffed "Olivia you can either support me or leave" I crossed my arms around my chest not wanting to hear anymore of her negative vibes. I was aware of how Lance treated me when we ran away but optimistically I thought things would be different with Dominic.

"So you're going tonight" she said. I nodded my head.
Olivia edged her body into mine and wrapped her arms around me "good luck Cinnamon, I hope all goes well" She let go and faced me "Ill pray to God, even though you don't believe in him" she chuckled and rubbed her fingers across her silver cross necklace that sat perfectly between her clavicles "I'm not 100% sure about Dominic, but he seems to have changed I guess, good luck!" tears started rolling down her face "I'm going to go home before I have a mental breakdown, but I love you and I'll never stop, try and phone me once you get into a hotel so I know you're safe"

I impatiently waited for Dominic to arrive to my apartment. My knees shook uncontrollably due to my high anxiety. The Victoria's Secret duffle-bag that I had filled with a water bottle, spare clothes, sliders and some snacks sat next to my door.

Just then my door flung open. Dominic stormed in waving a pair of pliers in the air.

"Cinnamon!" He rushes up to me and pecked my lips with a quick kiss "We need to hurry, the station is empty as of now because they've all headed to the pub, but I'm not sure when they'll be back to hear the alarm go off when we remove your ankle tracker"

"I'm scared" I said as I quivered.

"There's no time to be scared, just close your eyes whilst I remove the tracker"

He grabbed the pliers and started attacking my ankle tracker with it. He was groaning in frustration as he struggled to remove it. But finally, I heard it snap as it fell onto the floor.

"Okay quick" he said as he grabbed my hand and my bag and pulled me out my apartment.

We ran down the stairs and out the building. It was dark outside, which was good.

Dominic took me in front of a huge black range rover. "Wow" I said.

"It's our get away car" He said and hugged me from behind

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"It's our get away car" He said and hugged me from behind. "Quick let's get in"

We buckled our selves into the car and Dominic hit the road.

As we stopped at our first red light Dominic rummaged through the back seats and retrieved some items.

"Here, I brought you a brown wig, sun glasses and a baggy jumper just incase" he handed them to me.

"Incase of what" I asked.

"Just put them on please"

So I did as I was told. I pulled the grey jumper over me and fixed the wig onto my hair. "I won't wear the glasses now" so I put them into the little compartment that was in front of me. I took out my phone and opened up my selfie camera. I looked very different, and I guess that was the aim.

"Oh that reminds me" said Dominic "He took my phone and removed the sim card. He used his thumb and his index finger to crush the card "We can't have anyone tracking you"

"So what's the plan" I asked. I had no idea what was happening or where we were even going.

"We're going to get out of Pennsylvania and drive to Philadelphia where I've booked us a hotel, and from there Cinnamon it's all a surprise"

I soaked in what he said and trusted every word he said. Despite feeling incredibly lost in this plan, I knew that Dominic had it all sorted out.

"OH HECK" Dominic shouted and slapped his hand against the stirring wheel.

"What?!" I panicked.

He pointed out the windshield and I saw a huge line of cars. "A traffic jam" I said.

"No. A f*****g police search. They must know you're missing. They're searching people's cars." he sighed deeply and drove on.

My heart dropped. I felt sick. It was all over know, I was going to be caught and what was worse was that I looked guilty as ever. I bit my nails anxiously and slouched down into my seat. "I'm so done for now" I said aloud.

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hope you enjoyed this part.
do you think cinnamon and dominic will make an easy escape without getting caught?
aloha xoxo

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