Prom || Bill

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9:37 pm

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9:37 pm. It has officially been two and a half hours since he was supposed to pick you up. Two and a half hours of glancing out of the window in hopes of seeing his car, two and a half hours of coming up with excuses as to why he was late. Did he get lost? Maybe he went out and got last minute flowers.
You decided to wait outside incase he was trying to find your house, you would wait another half hour then you could get upset. Prom ended at 11:30 anyways, you have plenty of time to dance and take pictures.

This was the first time you had been asked to a school dance. You were hoping for a certain boy with a cute stutter to ask you but in the end it was some kid from your chemistry class who had asked. At lunch that same day, you had mentioned this date to the prom and everyone was happy. Bev and Ben were going together, the others, except Bill, said they were going to drink at the quarry. Bill mumbled something about studying for a test that night.
Your eyes started to burn with unshed tears, Y/N you will not cry, you will not cry. You repeated again and again until the tears went away.
10:23 pm. By now you've realized he definitely has left you behind, leaving you devastated. Finally giving in, you cried. You sobbed on the porch of your small house, wondering why he asked in the first place. You wanted to punch him in the throat and yell at him, say mean things in hopes to make him feel what you're feeling right now.
You stood up, smoothing out your clothes as you started to walk. You didn't think about where you were going, but apparently your feet knew.
You had been carrying a torch for Bill Denbrough for as long as you could remember. You've dropped hints that you felt this way for him, and yet he seemed oblivious. Oblivious or maybe he had noticed and just didn't feel the same.
The Denbrough residence was quiet, mostly all the lights were off, except one.
"BILL!'' You shouted softly, your voice hoarse from crying earlier. You were hoping to get him to open his window.
"HEY DENBROUGH!" Again, no reply. You shiver as the cold air whips its way around you.
You sigh, looking around for something to throw at his closed window. Finding some small pebbles, you begin to throw. Most of them hitting the glass with a small thud, and some of them hitting the frame of the window. The thought of people seeing you in your formal clothings and red puffy face throwing rocks at some window made you look around and let out a breathy laugh.
You could see the shadow inside moving around, then the curtain moves and you see Bill's face. His face had confusion written all over it. He opens the window.
"W-what are you doing h-here Y/N?''
From where he was, he couldn't see your tear stained cheeks.
"You m-must be fr-freezing Y/N/N, i'll l-let you in the front."
Bill opens the door and sees you. His mouth opens and his eyes widen. You see his cheeks turn red. He ushers you inside and closes the door.
"You look b-b-beautiful." You smile a little.
His face looks confused again, eyebrows furrowed.
"I thought y-you were g-going to-"
Your eyes begin to water again, this time, you don't stop them.
"Please, just hold me."
He moves quickly to wrap you in his arms, not saying anything. He hold you as you cry, for what feels like forever, wishing he was the one to ask you to the dance

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