Fight || Stan

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[y/n] was fuming

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[y/n] was fuming. her dumbass boyfriend, stanley uris, was being a dick again. but this time she felt extra angry as they stood across from each other in her small bedroom. they were both too angry to even speak, but instead stared at each other.
stanley was jealous of [y/n]'s friendship with richie, just like he always was. [y/n] had told him over and over again that their relationship was purely innocent, but richie's constant flirtatious remarks made stanley think differently.
"all i'm asking is you set some boundaries." stanley said finally, holding his hands up defensively.
"i don't think telling a 13 year old boy with adhd to back off is a good idea." [y/n] said with a nervous laugh, narrowing her eyes as she scoffed in disbelief.
"oh, but you think pissing off your boyfriend is a better one?" stanley shot back, crossing his arms across his chest swiftly.
"at least richie isn't a total ass to me every five seconds..." she mumbled, looking down at her feet as she spoke.
"that's because all he's thinking about is your ass." stanley replied, shooting her a glare. the comment made [y/n]'s heart thud as he said that. a part of her wanted to agree with him, but the other part of her knew he was just being jealous and it made her fume.
"get out." she whispered under her breath angrily, pointing at the door. stanley opened his mouth to oppose her, but quickly shut it angrily and stormed out the room, slamming it behind him.
[y/n] stared after the door for a few minutes, her eyes stinging with tears. she prayed he would come back through the door, declaring his undying love for her then pulling her into a passionate kiss...
but he never did.

[y/n] had been sleeping peacefully–which was weird since she had just broken up with her boyfriend of 5 months. but she was so genuinely exhausted that the second her head hit the pillow, she had drifted off to sleep.
but something awoke her. she felt a strange tingling sensation on her cheek, and slowly peeled her eyes open. she didn't register exactly what she saw at first, because it was mostly blurry figures in front of her eyes. she blinked a few times however, and hundreds of spiders came into view. she screamed and lept off her bed, frantically trying to brush all the spiders off of her. but the more that she brushed off, the more that they began to suffocate her body.
as she was sobbing and trying to get them off, she saw a shadow in the corner of the room looming over her. IT suddenly came into light, making [y/n] forget all about the spiders. a smile crept upon it's pale face, and IT grabbed her by the throat.
"we all float down here... and you'll float too."

stanley had thought the whole fight over, and began to feel awful for what he said. he loved [y/n] beyond what words could describe, and she had no idea.
so he set out over to her house on his bike, feeling extra confident. he was about to confess his love to the girl he loved, and he couldn't be happier.
that is, of course, until he saw richie tozier sitting out on her porch. he nearly toppled over on his bike, but quickly caught his footing and rode up her driveway. he parked his bike, making sure the stand was kicked up then ran up to the porch to see richie was staring at the cement fearfully, not bringing his eyes up to meet stanley's.
"what are you doing here?" he asked a bit bitterly, causing richie's gaze to drift from the pavement up to stanley.
"IT took her." he said, blinking as the sunlight shone into his glasses. "IT has [y/n]."
stanley's eyes widened in disbelief as he just stood and stared for a moment, running the idea of his girlfriend being held captive by a psychotic children-eating monster. he could feel his heartbeat in his ears as he slowly began walking backwards, then began running back to his bike.
"stanley, wait!"

the sewers were dark and musty as the 7 kids trudged through, making sly comments about all the nasty stuff they were finding down there as they went along through.
"ew, is this a toothbrush?!" richie demanded in a hushed tone, holding up his flashlight as he slowly reached his hand down to touch it before eddie swatted his hand.
stanley was focused purely on finding [y/n], drowning out the loud noises of the other boys as he walked. he told himself over and over again that their last conversation couldn't be the last thing she heard. the thought of it made his stomach churn.
"oh my god, there she is!" beverly exclaimed, running past stanley and into a large open room. stanley quickly followed after beverly, his eyes searching for [y/n]. he finally spotted her hovering above the ground, her face upturned.
this is it. he thought. i'm too late.
he watched as beverly, mike and richie began helping each other to pull her down, paralyzed and unable to move his feet. they had her on the ground, but were shaking her violently as stanley continued to stare.
it's all my fault. i made her vulnerable...
"she won't wake up!" richie shouted, looking over at stanley who was finally awoken from his trance. he ran over, dropping his flashlight onto the ground. he pushed past the others as he grabbed [y/n]'s shoulders, looking into her eyes. they were foggy and seemed to stare right past him, as if they were avoiding him.
he acted impulsively, thinking of nothing rational to do instead, and pressed his lips to hers. the kiss was short as he pulled away to see if it worked, his eyes blurred with tears. it didn't seem like it worked, as she continued to stare past him with her grey eyes.
but then they began to clear up, and it just so happened they were staring right back into his. a smile spread across her lips as she wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him into a hug. he wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her into a hug as well.
"i missed you." she whispered into the crook of his neck, blinking back tears.
"i missed you too."

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