first day back

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Holly pov
I was Woking up by my alarm blurring in my ears so I got ready for school and summer break ended so back to school. I got ready and if your wondering my parents died in a car crash when I was 8 and I live alone although my uncle sends money for me but one thing no one knows is that my dad was a scientist and my mum was a cop but I went in the lab eventhough  I shouldn't and drank a potion that made me have powers like invisibility intelligence, speed and  shapeshift with other abilities.

I got dressed (up top) and brushed my hair which has purple tips and had breakfast  got back pack and went to school listening to linkin park.


I got to school where all the chat was and went to my locker but without getting tripped by Sydney vanoss's boyfriend and the other crews 
girlfriends as everyone laughs. Sydney is the cheerleader captain and slut of the school but popular with her girls who our the other crew's girlfriends.

I got there anyway but a hand slammed my locker and looked to see vanoss smirking with his crew behind him,lui,cartoons,smitty,basically, nogla,Tyler,mini,delirious,ohmwrecker,Bryce,moo,terroriser and fourzeroseven.

" Hey there, ugly bitch what you doing?" He asked I just ignored him and  he got angry since i ignored as he had me pinned to  the locker. "I asked you and I want an answer" he gritted his teeth and kneed me in my stomach and the bell rung they laughed and left to class as I stayed there then went to class but I have class with every crew member.

the purple monarchOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora