the girl who has talent

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Holly pov

I went to music as lui and lea with terroriser and his girlfriend brianna came in and sat behind me as miss clapson got ready the lesson.

"Ok class the talent show is coming up so now you guys need to tell what you are doing" miss explains as terroriser kept kicking my chair and brianna laughs. "So Brianna what are you goning to do?" Miss asked her as she looked innocent.

"Me and lea with our hotties over here thought of making a band and singing" she says as everyone claps and miss smiles."well done ok umm holly you?" Miss asked as loads of them sniggered and i just look straight on."miss thinking of singing a song" i answer as everyone laughed.

"Kids thats not how we behave" miss says as they all say sorry now we show what we are singing or doing as i like to sit there with earbuds in and sing as i mouth lyrics until it was time for english as i got up i got hit by lui.

"Thats for tyler" he says as he leaves with the girls following.i walk to english but gets grabbed by smitty as i get thrown into a closet and i black out

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