meeting the doubles

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Holly pov

I woke up dizzy as i look and see i'm tied up to a chair and i struggle in the dark room until the door squeaked open and light came in as i squint and see..."vanoss?" I question but the guy chuckled as he walks up to me and kneels as he grabs my chin.

"I am not vanoss" he says as he roughly grips my chin. "I am his brother vanti" he says as he gets up and circles around me. "What do you want?" I asked as he chuckles  and he stops behind and pulls my hair roughly back  and i hiss as i see him grin.

"You know i've been watching you for a while and my crew  discovered about your..." he leans close to my ear and whispers "powers" ans i go wide eye and he laughs while leaving.

"Oh and enjoy your stay" he says as he closes the door as i

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