An Awkward Moment

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Hermione POV

3 weeks later

Time has passed. It has only been 3 weeks since I first came back to Hogwarts. Nothing new has happened; Just the usual school and study. I spend most of my time trying to avoid the ferret Malfoy. He'd throw his usual insults and snarky comments at me but I mostly ignored him.  Ron and I sent each other letters often, only about twice a week. It was really hitting me now; how much I missed  spending days with Harry and Ron. I know I wouldn't be separated from them forever but it still hit me.

It was a Sunday. I sat in the court yard doing simply nothing. I was rather depressed lately trying to come to terms without having Harry and Ron by my side. It was a strange feeling and i felt homesick in a way. I sat on a stone thinking and reflecting on life until an all too familiar voice was heard.

"What are you doing out here on your own Granger?" He asks me.

"What's does it look like Malfoy?" I reply, not looking up at him.

He frowned. "Nothing."

"Well done." I sneer.

"Ha Granger you're hilarious."

"Aren't I just. Now sod off !" I said harshly, surprised at my own tone of voice.

"Fine be like that then" He spat before storming off. Was I too harsh? I was definitely going mad.


"Please Mione come to Hogsmeade with me." Ginny begged me as we sat for Dinner in the Great Hall.

"Sorry Ginny I really don't feel up to it. I have homework to catch up on and I have to drop off some books of at the library." I tell her politely as I finish what's on my plate.

"Okay then. Are you one hundred per cent sure you don't want to come? I'm heading off soon." she asks me.

I nodded. "Yes Gin. You go now. I'll be okay here. I'll go with you the next time."

I said bye to Ginny before she left and made her way to Hogsmeade. I went back to my common room; I grabbed some books from the book shelf that I needed to drop off at the library. Malfoy was not there, and I did not care where he was!

After a few minutes I went into the library and I gave the books to the librarian. When finished I started to browse the section on spells and potions looking for a new book to keep me company. Whilst I was looking I saw a blonde haired male and a raven claw girl at the other side of the room, well out of sight in a isolated section of the library.

They looked dangerously close... which was discomforting to see especially since this was in public... and the library of all places.

A soft moan escaped the girls lips.

Merlin! Does anyone in this school have any manners or self respect!? 

The female raven claw was sitting on a desk whilst Malfoy was standing in front of her. He  was whispering something in her ear; she smiled and pulled his face to hers until their lips touched. I wrinkled my nose in disgust. It was not long ago that he was snogging Pansy in the corridor. In some ways I felt sorry for the raven claw who he was kissing. I knew he was a player and she'd be unaware. Just like when he tricked me into almost kissing him 3 weeks ago. I shivered at the memory.

"Do you enjoy watching people  Granger?" I heard him say, I was immediately pulled out of my thoughts. Malfoy's furious gaze darted over to me and I took a step back in embarrassment. He was still standing in front of the raven claw girl. He turned back to her and pecked her lips.

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