Chapter Sixteen: Decisions

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Chapter Sixteen: Decisions


It was mesmerizing to watch Rose do gymnastics on the screen. We sat there until eleven watching videos and listening to her complain about things.

I hate Lucas with a burning passion. He took everything from Rose, and she deserves the world.

I want to give her the world.

Now though, we've been sitting around watching Rose help Alice perfect a handstand.

"I don't understand what I'm doing wrong." Alice whines tiredly. Rose sighs and leans against the counter.

"Sweetie, we can do this tomorrow."

"No, I was to get it right tonight. Do I need the chalk? What's wrong with me?"

"You need to straighten your arms. Your stance is too loose, and you need to straighten your hands and toes."

"What do you mean?" Alice asks, frustrated.

I've noticed how much Rose is avoiding doing any types of moves.

"I don't know how to explain it without showing you." Rose sighs slowly.

"So show me!" Alice pleads.

"Yeah Belle, show her." Vanessa says.

"Is there something I'm missing here?" Colton asks. "Why won't you do anything?"

"Because gymnastics is like giving an alcoholic that's trying to quit a beer to Belle. If she does one move, she's going to get addicted." Ivy, Rose's Mom explains.

"So?" I ask.

"I can't afford to get addicted." Rose explains.

"It's just one handstand." Alice begs. "Please?"

Rosie sighs slowly.

"I'll be back in a moment." She walks out, slipping into her bedroom.

Five minutes later she comes back in a pair of black spandex basketball shorts and a red sports bra. Her brown hair is thrown into a ponytail and she looks nervous.

Nervous for a handstand?

Fuck Lucas. That dick.

She sighs.

"Alice, you're too loose with it. You're doing it like this."

She goes down sloppily, but somehow it's still graceful.

It's like she struggles to do it wrong.

Her feet are flat and her knees are bent. She mirrors the way Alice was doing it

She comes back up then. "You need to do it like this."

This time, she puts her right foot out, her toes pointed perfectly, and goes down very gracefully into a handstand. Her arms are perfectly straight and positioned the same amount of space apart. Her toes remain pointed, her knees locked.

She comes back up gracefully, and she's smiling.

This is the best thing I've seen in my life.

"Now you try." She points to the floor.

This time when Alice goes down, she keeps her knees straight.

"Point your toes." Rose says, and Alice dose, and it looks right. Rose moves and holds Alice's feet.

"What are you doing?" Alice asks, still in the handstand.

"Hold it for as long as you can." Rose says.

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