kissing scene pt 5

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A/N: Millie will be portrayed as a mean character in this imagine, however, i know she is nothing like that irl. so please don't comment saying this isnt like her bc i know. i love millie sm!!! I just wanted to make her like this to add more intensity to the story. yall❤️and thank you soooo much for 8k reads!!! that's amazing. sorry if this isnt what u were looking for, this imagine was just highly requested! so here ya go!

 sorry if this isnt what u were looking for, this imagine was just highly requested! so here ya go! -

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"I'm such a dumbass!" Finn yells, grabbing onto his hair tightly. "I'm so sorry." He apologizes, shamefully shaking his head and walking closer to me.

"You don't have to apologize for sneezing." I inform him with a side snicker.

"Ok, I'm sorry for apologizing then." He chuckles.

"You are an idiot, Finn Wolfhard." I laugh at his stupidity, and throw myself onto the couch.

"What am I going to do?" I question.

I feel so bad. Millie is never going to trust me again.

As soon as I start thinking, my thoughts control my face, and there is frown plastered upon me.

"You okay, Y/N?" Finn asks, taking a seat next to me.

I shake my head, "No, I can't believe I—I should've just told her the truth—Why did I have to go and lie—we were just becoming great friends too,—oh my god she hates me—"

"Woah, woah, Y/N. Calm down." Finn says. "Millie doesn't hate you, she's not like that, she'll get over it."

I stand up, "You're right. I should go and apologize."

"Don't you think it's a little too soon?" Finn questions, looking up at me from the couch.

"Apologies can never be too soon." I inform him and head towards the door.


Millie's dressing room was located a few down from mine, so I walk past all the others til I reach Millie's. I knock on the door three times with no response, so I knock again.

"Millie, it's me, Y/N. Please, let me talk to you."

The door swings open, and an angry Millie stands there, almost looking like her character, Eleven.

I stand there and we stare at each other, while I wait for her to say something.

"Well are you gonna come in or just stand there?" Millie asks with attitude.

I am taken aback by her words, "Um-uh" I murmur as I step into her dressing room.

"Yes?" Millie questions, giving me a death stare.

"Millie-I'm so sorry, I should've told you that Finn was in my room, I shouldn't have lied, I'm sorr—"

Millie cuts me off by sticking a finger to my face. "No, no, no." She whispers. "You don't get to just lie straight to my face, then come back in and apologize like what you did was something minor. You really hurt me by lying!" Millie shakes her head in disapproval, "Yeah, I don't think so hunny."

I blink a few times, taking in what she had just told me. "No, Millie, I—"

"Save it for later, Y/N." Millie informs me. "I'm too heated right now," She rolls her eyes. "Now would you get out?" Millie literally pushes me out the door and slams it in my face.

Well damn. What the hell just happened?

With tears forming in my eyes, I sluggishly walk back to my dressing room and see Finn sitting on the couch, on his phone. As soon as I close the door, his head jolts up, and he notices me. He jumps off the couch and rushes towards me, since tears were running down my face.

"Y/N! Are you okay?" He asks me, engulfing me into a hug while I sob into his shoulder.

"Millie h-hates m-me." I cry.

Finn starts rubbing my back, "She doesn't hate you, she's just upset with you. That's all."

"It didn't s-seem like it."

Finn hugs me tighter, "Everything will be okay. Millie doesn't hate you. Y/N, you're one of her best friends! She could never hate you."

"She kicked me out, Finn. Kicked me out of her dressing room." I manage to say in between sobs.

"Shhh--" Finn comforts me, "Everything will be okay." He repeats, and begins playing with my hair. "Everything will be okay."

I felt like such a crybaby, cradled in Finn's arms, sobbing my guts out while he rubbed my back and twirled my hair between his fingers.

"We get to leave soon, okay?" Finn reassured me. "We get to go back to the apartment, and we can stay as far away from Millie as we can."

I nod. "I feel so bad, Finn."

"It's okay, everything will be okay."

a/n: geesh attention seeker much?¿anyways sorry if that was really over dramatic or something u weren't expecting. do you guys even want a part 6?? let me know...

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