celebrity crush

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(finn can't dance for shit y'all

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(finn can't dance for shit y'all. currently crying. honestly my grandma could dance better👀gotta zayn.)
finn's pov

"Hello viewers! I'm here with some of the Stranger Things cast!" A man with an odd mustache and a stranger things shirt says, and points to the camera.

The cast waves to the camera and smiles.

"Hey guys!" The interviewer excitedly greets himself. "What's up?"

"Nothin' much, nothing important really," Gaten begins with a wide smile. "Just a show I'm starring in is coming out in a few hours.

"But!" I break in. "It's nothing, it's nothing."

The interviewer laughs, "So, I've heard that Eleven comes back this season, correct?"

We all nod. "I'm super excited!" Millie squeals.

"Same here." Noah says, raising his hand.

"In season 1, Millie, you're performance of the character was absolutely wonderful!" The interviewer says.

Here comes the Millie/Eleven talk..Kill me now. I think to myself.

"Awe, thank you!"

"What was it like accepting awards for your acting from other celebrities?" He asks.

"It was surreal! Very, very surreal. And, unreal as well."

"Speaking of celebrities, I wanna know who everyone's celebrity crush is!" The interviewer says.

As soon as I hear the word crush, my mind instantly thinks of Y/N.

"Ooh!! I already have mine!" I leap up.

Everyone besides the interviewer starts rolling their eyes.

"What? She's stunning." I defend myself.

"Oh, we know, Finn." Sadie laughs.

"Shutup!" I remark.

"Well, who is it?"

"Y/N Y\L/N." Everyone says. Everyone knows she's my celebrity crush because I talk about her 28/9.

The obsession I have of her is kind of unhealthy.

"Seems, like everyone already knows, Finn." The interviewer chuckles confusedly.

I shrug, "I mean—"

"The dude literally talks about the girl all the time!" Caleb interrupts me.

"I do not!" I say, my face flushing red.

"Liar!" Gaten declares.

I put my hands up in defense.

"Why do you like Y/N so much?" The interviewer questions.

"Like? LIKE?" Caleb starts. "He loves her. He's obsessed with her!"

The man is taken aback by his words.

"She just has a great personality, and she's so pretty, humble, and too good for this world." I trail off.

"Wait a minute, have you even met this girl?" Asks the interviewer.

"Nope!" I say with a chuckle.

a/n: thanks for the cool request @rainboweggos

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