kissing scene pt 6

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The dressing room door suddenly bursts open. Finn and I immediately jump up off of each other and separate ourselves. I look up to see the person who had opened the door, and I see my mother.

"Hun are you—" My mother begins but notices Finn is in the room, "Oh! What a-nice—surprise?" She stutters.

Finn shifts uncomfortably, "Mom, have you ever heard of knocking?" I question.

"Well, I didn't think Finn would be in here," She claims innocently.

We all sit in silence, taking in what had just happened.

"Anyways, Y/N? Are you ready to go?" My mom asks, breaking the awkwardness. "Do you need a ride, Finn?"

"No thank you, you can go ahead and go Mrs. Y/L/N, we'll take Y/N back to the apartment."
Finn tells her.

"Oh! Are you sure?" My mom asks.

Finn nods.

"Ok, I guess I'll get going then, I'll see you two back at the apartment?"

Finn and I both nod at my mom as she leaves the dressing room.

"That was so awkward," I mumble under my breath after my mom closes the door.

"Well, do you wanna leave now or later?" Finn asks.

"Now." I say. "If that's okay with you.."

"Anything that you want." Finn smiles at me and grabs my bag, hands it to me then leads me out the door.


Finn and I were on his bed in the room he shared with Noah, however Noah wasn't in the room.

I was laying down on my stomach, while Finn was sitting up on the end of the bed, playing a video game on his Xbox.

He kept on cursing at himself and the game anytime he made a mistake, it was actually kind of cute.

"I'm bored!" I yell to him over the loud video game.

"What?" Finn questions as he pauses the game.

"I'm bored." I repeat and sit up.

"Well, what do you want to do?"

"I don't know anything else, but this."

"Okay--" Finn mumbles and pauses while he thinks. "Do you wanna go swimming?" He suggests.

I jump up from his bed, "Um, is that even a question? Of course!"

I practically sprint out of his room and slam the door before he can say anything else. I rush to the room I share with Millie, and hoped that she wouldn't be in there right now.

Please don't be in the room, Millie. Please.

I walk towards the room, peak my head in, and see Millie on her phone, sitting on her bed. I mentally groan and turn right back around to go to Finn's room.

I knock on the door and wait for Finn to open it. A shirtless Finn in only black swim trunks opens the door, "Well that was quick, wait--why aren't you in you're swimsuit?" Finn asks, noticing I was still in my previous outfit.

"Millie is in my room!" I whisper-yell to him.

He rolls his eyes, "Do you wanna borrow one of my shirts to swim in then?"

"What? No--I was thinking that maybe you could just run in there and grab my swimsuit."

"Oh, right." Finn clears his thoughts and walks past me and into my room.

I secretly follow him to try and hear the conversation, "Hey, uh Millie." Finn awkwardly says to her. I stay put on the wall next to the door and eavesdrop on their words.

"Hi, Finn, what are you doing?"

"Oh nothing, just gonna grab this--"

"Y/N's bathing suit?--Oh my god, you're not going to--"

Huh? What does she mean?

"What? No!" Finn quickly shouts over Millie.

He walks out of the room with my yellow swimsuit and hands it to me.

"Thanks." I whisper.

"No problem." Finn winks at me. "Go in my room and change, I'll wait here." Finn tells me, his feet planted on the hallway floor.

I nod and head towards his room.


I look in the mirror to make sure the swimsuit looks fine, since I'd be swimming with the guy I like; I want to look as good as I can. I adjust my hair, and look at myself one more time before leaving Finn's room.

"Woah." Finn whispers to himself as I close his door behind me.

I blush and smile.

"You ready?" He asks.


Finn and I take the elevator up to the pool on the apartment's rooftop.


"Quit splashing me, you ass!" I shout to Finn who was continuously dousing me with water.

He laughs at me as I use my hands as a useless shield from the water. Luckily for us, we had the pool to ourselves, so we could say or do whatever we want.

I try to swim away from Finn and I kick him with water, but he grabs onto my leg and pulls me back towards him. He spins me around and we stare into each other's eyes, both of us with water dripping down our faces. With no hesitation, Finn grabs my face and pulls me in for a kiss. When our lips meet, I kiss him back and we remain like that for a few seconds. We pull away for breath and Finn releases his hands from my face. Suddenly, he splashes me again.

"Ahhh! You dick!" I scream, "Way to ruin our moment!"


a/n: unless you guys want to continue,I think this series is finally coming to a close! lemme know what you'd like to see next. I'll do a part 7 if you guys want! just remember to follow and vote to see more!

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