mistaken pt 2

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finn's pov

"And how are you going to do that?" Quincy asks me.

"I guess I'll have to cancel all my plans," I sigh. "Unless you guys can figure out the rest of this number." I say while directing my phone towards Nick, Quincy, and Josh and they shake their heads no.

"Her name is Y/N, it's so beautiful." I mumble underneath my breath.

"Maybe one of these workers know her last name." Nick suggests.

"Woah-woah-woah, are we not even going to acknowledge the fact that Finn's crush for this random lady is fucking crazy?" Josh interrupts.

"I agree." Quincy breaks in. "It's like you're in love with her or something."

I look at the boys with a puzzled expression. "I'm not in love with her, I'm just astonished at how stunning she is." I lean into the table and whisper, "Did you see her ass?"

Josh rolls his eyes, "Ok very charming, Romeo."

"I'm just saying," I say and take a sip of my new Blue Moon.

"Are you guys ready for a check?" Our new waitress who wasn't nearly as pretty as Y/N asks.

"Yes please." Nick says with a nod.

Before she walks away I stop her, "Oh wait!" I leap up.

"Yes?" The waitress questions.

"You know Y/N?"


"Do you her last name?"


"What is it?"

The waitress gives me a look of confusion, "...why again?"

"I am simply just wondering."

"Well I'm sorry sir, but I can't give out that information unless its for professional use only."

My eyes go wide, and I turn around to look at the boys, and they shrug.

"Uhm--It is for professional use!" I declare.

She squints her eyes at me, "Really?" Her hands are placed at her hips, "And what professional use would that be?"

"Uhmm-uhh--" My mind goes blank for a few moments until finally, "I am a model scouter, and Y/N seems absolutely stunning to my colleagues and I." I say and point to the guys.

She nods in suspicion.

"That's right, and uhm--in order for her to model for my company, I'll need her phone number, email address, and full name." I gulp nervously.

"Ok, how do I know you're not some perv or something?"

"He's Finn Wolfhard," Quincy tells the waitress.

"Who?" She questions looking extremely confused.

"Finn Wolfhard..Stranger Things..The Turning..IT.." Josh trails off with all the tv shows and movies I've been on."

"Oh yeah! I forgot about you! Haven't seen you on T.V. in a while!" She laughs like the Wicked Witch of the West.

I roll my eyes, "Are you going to tell me her last name or not?"

"Sure, it's Y/L/N. I'll go get her business only contact information." The waitress squints her eyes at me more and walks away.

"Ok, ok look her up on Instagram; her name is Y/N Y/L/N." I quickly say, taking my seat again.

Josh starts to type Y/N Y/L/N in his phone and immediately comes across the waitress who spilled a drink on me. "That's her! That's her!" I shout while pointing to the girl's profile picture.

Josh clicks on it, "What is this girl, a model?" He questions.

"I told you, she's stunning."


Later that night, we all ended up going home, the waitress was informed to give us no contact information for Y/N. Instead, I followed her on Instagram, and she followed me back. I dmed her and asked if she'd like to a grab a few drinks sometime, and she agreed. Looks like I'll be going on a date with the hot waitress who spilled beer on me.

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