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a/n: there are some gifs in this imagine that go with what finn is saying, so just read along!!

You and Finn have been dating for 1 year and a few months now. You guys were known as the cutest couple around school. Lately, the relationship had been going downhill. Finn and you would have arguments almost everyday, about stuff that was unnecessary. Finn suggests taking a break from each other for a week, so you do. Finn and you were still technically dating, but you guys just needed some time alone for a little. You don't text, call, hang out, or talk to each other for a whole week. However, during that week, you had done some pretty bad things. You had cheated on Finn.

finn's pov:

I walked to my class and sat in my desk. Today was the last day of Y/N and I's break. I just have one more class until school's over and I can talk to Y/N after a week.

I take out a pencil and set it on my desk, when suddenly I feel a tap on my shoulder.

"How are you holding up with the breakup?" Logan, one of my classmates, asks.

"Breakup?" I question with confusion.

"With, Y/N?"

"Ohhh, you have it all mixed up!" I chuckle and Logan has a puzzled look plastered on his face.
"You see, Y/N and I were just taking a one-week break, we didn't break up." I explain.

"My bad, I just thought that since her and  Mason have been kissing and going on
dates—." Logan tries to say.

"Dates? Kissing?" I interrupt.

Logan nods, "Yeah, you haven't heard?"

I slowly shake my head no in anger.

As soon as the bell rings I bolt out of the class room. I rush towards the exit of the school, I didn't even want to see Y/N right now. Before I can leave, someone grabs me and pulls me back.

"Guess who?" A familiar voice sounds.

"Y/N?" I ask, annoyed.

"Yep!" She says with a smile, uncovering my eyes with her hands. "I missed you so much, Finn!" Y/N squeals, pulling me into a tight hug.

"Yeah, I'm sure you did." I say sarcastically mumble.

"What?" She backs up from me.

"Y/N, don't play dumb," I snap at her. "I know what you've done."

Her faces turn a bright red. She pauses, and doesn't say anything.

I feel like sobbing my eyes out. I'm pretty sure it's true, Y/N cheated on me with Mason.

"How could you?" I furiously ask, raising my voice, a few heads turning to look at me.

"I'm sorry." She mumbles, her head down.

"You're sorry?" I yell. "Sorry for what? Sucking somebody's face off while I patiently wait to talk to you again?"

"Finn—" She tries to say.

I cut her off:

I cut her off:

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