1.91 "You Didn't Do It On Free Will"

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At home.

I left a message for Caroline on my phone " Hey, Care, it's me, Adelaide. I wanna see you. How are you? Call me back"

I hung up when Stefan walked back into his room.

I smiled "Hey"

Stefan held a bottle of champagne and two glasses in his hands.

I raised an eyebrow "What's that for?"

Stefan " This is from the year you were born. I think we should celebrate."

I chuckled " Celebrate what?"

Stefan " Your first animal feed. I know it was disgusting and traumatic and it was horrible, but you did it anyway."

He walked over to her with the glasses and champagne.

Stefan "You survived it."

Me "i threw up, Stefan, everything, My stomach is empty."

Stefan sighed "Listen, I choked it down for a month before I could stomach the taste. It gets easier. This, on the other hand, will go down like silk."

Me "But i'm not gonna do this for a month"

Stefan "i still can't believe you've never drank animal blood in your whole life"

Me "probably because i've never lost control over my bloodlust like..."

I trailed off looking at him. 

Stefan nodded "got it"

Then he chuckled "at least you got to try"

He held the champagne out.

I giggled " You're so cheery."

Stefan " Yeah, because you're here, with me"

I smiled.

Stefan " So, would you like to do the honors?"

I raised an eyebrow "Drinking on empty stomach? "

Stefan cheered"why not?"

I rolled my eyes chuckling and popped out the cork. It flew across the room. I screamed surprised and began to laugh. The champagne was overflowing.

Stefan poured the champagne into the glasses. 

we clinked them together.

Stefan smiled"Cheers."

I kissed him. He kissed me back.  

We got interrupted by a phone. 

I sighed annoyed and Stefan broke the kiss. 

Me "Who is it?"

Stefan rolled his eyes "Damon"

I sighed annoyed and took a sip of my drink. 

He answered " Perfect timing, Damon. Yeah, we just got back. What?"

His eyes widened.


Elena went to talk to Damon. Someone blew up the council. I mean come on, Damon wouldn't do that. At least not like that. Tyler was here on the sofa, shirtless.

Stefan was pulling the wooden bullets out of Tyler's torso with a pair of metal tongs. Caroline  was sitting in the armchair with me on her lap. She was nervous and i had my arms around her neck. 

Caroline " Please tell me that's the last one."

Stefan observed one of the bullets.

I raised an eyebrow "Stef?"

Stefan " These were specially carved; the length, the width. If you were a normal vampire, you'd be dead."

Then he placed the wooden bullet in a glass of alcohol to clean it off.

Tyler breathed out " This guy knew what he was doing. His gloves must have been steeped in vervain. He was looking for a vampire and he didn't hesitate for a second when he found one."

Stefan looked at the bullet "These etchings...."

He touched the bullet, but got burned by it.

I raised an eyebrow " Are the bullets spelled?"

Stefan "I don't know. They're something."

 At Tyler's.

I knocked on the door and Carol opened. 

She smiled "Adelaide"

Me "Mrs. Lockwood"

Carol "how do i own the pleasure?"

Me "i'm here for Tyler"

She nodded and let me in "He's upstairs in his room."

I nodded "thank you"

I walked upstairs and into his bedroom. I knocked on the door and walked insid "Tyler?"

I looked around. He walked out of the bathroom with only a towel around his waist. 

Tyler raised an eyebrow surprised "Adelaide?"

He grew nervous.

Me "i think we need to talk"

I sat down on the bed. 

Tyler took a deep breath "Let me put some pants on first"

I nodded "sure"

He walked back into the bathroom and came a minute later with a sweatpants out. 

Tyler "why are you here?"

Me "you know why i'm here"

Tyler sighed "Adelaide-"

Me "I'm not mad"

His jaw dropped "What?"

I shook my head "i'm not mad"

Tyler asked shocked  "for real?"

I nodded "for real"

Tyler sat down next to me "why not? I mean you have every right to be mad at me"

Me "He compelled you, didn't he?"

Tyler nodded looking down. 

Me "see?"

Tyler "you were dying, Adelaide"

Me "you didn't do it on free will, Tyler, it's okay"

Tyler "Stefan's going to kill me"

I stood up "he won't because neither of us is going to tell him "

Tyler "but-"

Me "the alcohol was poisoned. That's all he knows. all he needs to know"

Tyler "so you're lying to him?"

I shook my head "The truth is that the alcohol was poisoned and that Nik had something to with it. I mean i'm not lying if i let your name out of it"

Tyler raised an eyebrow "you sure?"

I nodded and walked to the door. 

Tyler "hey, Adelaide"

I turned to him. 

Tyler "thank you"

I nodded " you're welcome but you owe me now"

He chuckled "of course"

Now And Then - Stefan Salvatore    (currently editing)Where stories live. Discover now