Chap.4 "Research and Development for the Military"

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The American Caesar stated in a very charismatic statement to the Institute that there should be a new service rifle for the United States Armed Forces, But, He needed a company to be at the Institute to head the advancement for a new rifle. As usual, The companies of Colt, Remington, Browning, Winchester, and Springfield. He only picked three, Colt, Springfield, and Browning, Knowing of how he tested the first B.A.R. M1918. In a matter of weeks designs for the new rifle began to come in with the first three that I will present right here:

Design NO.1

(Colt's First design for the new service rifle, It did not receive a name or any caliber but it was rumored it was supposed to take the 7

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(Colt's First design for the new service rifle, It did not receive a name or any caliber but it was rumored it was supposed to take the 7.62MM Mauser round, Deviation from Screwfaceromeo)

Design NO.2

(Springfield's first design for the new service rifle, This was a likable attempt that MacArthur favored but the problem was that the design would have stripper clips which had hindered it, Deviation by Airborneleaf)

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(Springfield's first design for the new service rifle, This was a likable attempt that MacArthur favored but the problem was that the design would have stripper clips which had hindered it, Deviation by Airborneleaf)

Final Design NO.3

(Browning's first design for the new service rifle, This had to be the final one but the race was still on, Deviation is listed as RP-1942-3)

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(Browning's first design for the new service rifle, This had to be the final one but the race was still on, Deviation is listed as RP-1942-3)

After the early designs, More and more requests for Automatic and Light Machine Guns were reported throughout the industry. Over the next few months, MacArthur needed to get in contact with other companies that would focus on Light to Heavy Machine Gun Concepts while the three main companies focused on the service rifle. The cost for designs two and three would only cost a quarter of a hundred thousand dollars to produce, But design one was a Bolt Action Rifle, MacArthur and the Army was looking something that was like the Garand but without the Ping but it was accepted.

Then the army needed more tank designs, The Army only had M2 Light Tanks and M3 Lee Medium Tanks. Most tanks were very obsolete due to them being manufactured back in the early 20s to early 30s, Douglas then ordered the Rock Island Arsenal and Chrysler to start design studies for new tanks and new artillery. Then the Air Force and Navy got involved, MacArthur then put Newport News Ship Yards And Lockheed Martin to start design studies for New Aircraft and New Warships.

Now that MacArthur had extreme patience for both the Companies and the Army, But now it was time to retire the M1912 uniforms and put newer uniforms on the troops of the greatest nation on Earth. The uniforms were tattered and were not very comfortable to wear in any event, But MacArthur was at a stand still on the politics of the country. Douglas had an idea to start a secret project with name of "Project Raven Rock", This project will be discussed on how the MacArthur regime got up to the 90s and 2050s.

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