Chap.16 "The Battle of Black Mesa"

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Since the Sturmabteilung and MacArthurian Regulars had already begun building and constructing forts and bunkers incase if the O.W.N. Troops were going to attack a research facility at Black Mesa. Black Mesa was located in the panhandle region of Oklahoma near of what was Boise city, Danse and the rest of both the Rangers and Paladins went to protect the city from the insanity of the OWN Agenda. Cyborneer had engineered almost fifty Robots to protect Boise City from being invaded, MacArthur himself had told most of the whole entire American Alliance that the most of the OWN Team were stationed and based in Alaska, Parts of the territory of Yukon, and a small batch along the Tampa Bay Area. In the dead of the night of August 17, 1944, The wail of Several Air Raid Sirens warning of an immediate Air and Land Attack were the very sound that Schadenfreude and General Butler did not want to hear. The 45th and 90th armored tank divisions were placed around the city, B-36 peacemakers would be on patrol in the sky's with P-50s guarding them at all times.

The main thing that MacArthur and the rest of the Alliance was worried about was the danger of very destructive weapons that could level a city back to the Stone Age, The American Caesar had to address this concern as of NCR and Brotherhood had blockaded the main coastal regions that protected fishing boats and oil rigs. Enclave, Sturmabteilung, and MacArthurian Regulars had begun to do drills in the Flathead Lake region in North Western Montana as a result of bombs hurled by pro-OWN troops into factories and military installations. The Leader of O.W.N. Was very mysterious and if not a vengeful madman, The Leaders background was kept a very highly secret but it was then announced by the leader himself that it was do to an incident. The Leader was not after MacArthur, The Enclave, or any of the other factions but was after the BLU and RED teams, The Incident of what started the whole OWN Team was due to the unjustified firing of the Leader due to them failing to capture a control point. The Leader was after a BLU Soldiers head and wanted to go on a relentless rampage to destroy the two teams and companies, The American Caesar had sent diplomats to discuss this but the Leader was to incline to his almost World supremacy that he went psychotic.

When the Battle of Black Mesa had commenced, There were only a handful of Rangers, Paladins, Minuteman, Federalists, and Tesla Armor Troops. Schadenfreude and Cyborneer had sent both Sturmabteilung Stormtroopers and Cyborg armed robots to reinforce the entire garrison, The 777th Bomber wing were on patrol one night out near the Oklahoman/Greater Gravel Empire and noticed that OWN troops were jumping from place to place. This was the first recorded sighting of teleportation being used in combat, The Gravel Empire at the time did not have full control over New Mexico while it was formed. OWN had built some of its robots to destroy Boise and Black Mesa, However, The robots built by OWN were very low in technology and would fail after an hour or two. The Battle was swift and brutal upon the well defended but supply less garrison, It lasted for about twelve hours, More long than the Battle of Washington D.C.

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