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I like to use poems to express my feelings <3

There she sat
On the highest branch of the old twisted tree
Bathing in the last rays of the dying sun as if sank over the distant horizon
The breeze rustled the leaves and her messy blonde hair as it brushed her cheeks whispering in her ears.
She tilted her head to look at the brightly coloured sky. Flares of orange and pink lit up the fluffy clouds as they raced each other across the hazy blue sky.
It was so peaceful here.
The sound of birds and the buzz of insects. The wind rushing past her cheeks and the suns warm light turning her clothes yellow. The true beauty seemed to steal her breath away and squash her demons, finally, after so long, she began to hear the words that had been spoken to her over and over but blocked out by the demon in her mind.
You are beautiful.
You matter.
People care.
You are loved.
Stay with us.
Don't leave us.
We all love you so so much.

She felt a warmth in her chest, and felt joy and love surge up from somewhere deep in her soul spreading to every part of her body until she was fully emerged in a cocoon of peace. Closing her eyes she let out a sigh, holding the sturdy tree tightly she sat until the last rays of yellow had disappeared.

"But darling, just look around; you are more loved than you will ever know."

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