Sorry heres some vent shit

187 16 13

(I'm so sorry for all this Im just stupid I'm sorry just

(I'm so sorry for all this Im just stupid I'm sorry just Here)

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Hm where do I start

I'm just

How do I put this
I'm so on edge

Like the slightest thing will tip me over

I've come to the realisation that I'm a pretty useless human being

I mean
What do I do
I just annoy everyone
Hurt everyone

I'm so easily replaceable

They wouldn't even notice if I'm not here

My mother thinks I'm just a bother and a rebellious little shit
I'm constantly hurting my father which causes him to lash out at me all because I have no motivation to speak on the phone
I'm just a hinderance in my friend group
I annoy all three of my brothers
No wonder two moved and one doesn't like coming here
I do everything wrong
So so wrong

All my fault
I'm sorry
I'm sorry
I'm so sorry

And I know that
Nobody really

No really

Tell me
They care and that they're here for me

But when I try to say something
Nobody listens
Nobody acknowledges me
I'm just background music stuck on an endless loop

And guess what

People get bored

I just don't really see the point
In living
And every time a car passes
Or every time I walk past the pills in the supermarket
Or every time I'm on a high surface
I dare myself to do it

And I think one day soon
I actually will

But that's alright
They won't mind

My own mind is attacking me anyways

So if I do leave
And I don't get a chance to say this
I love you all
Thank you for being here and watching me progress through my arting
I love you Storme
You were too good for me anyways
And I love you Blazey and Badge and Shadow and Milky and Blizzy and all my other online friends I've failed to mention
Thank you for all the sweet memories
You too Cloude, and if you ever do read this I'm sorry for everything

I love you Moana and Jess and Piper and Hazel and Chloe all the others in my friend group
I'm sorry for being annoying
I love you too parents and siblings
Even if you don't love me back

This isn't a goodbye

This is a just in case

Because honestly
I'm just so empty and broken now I think I'm beyond repair
Maybe today
Or tomorrow
Or next week
Or next month

I just wont be here anymore
And I'll finally be gone
And I'm not looking for nice comments or don't go's
Because in the end they don't really work
But thanks for trying

See you soon maybe

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