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Dare person I hate...
I wish you the best in life but die in hell asshole

Dear person I used to like...
You're a wonderful person, I'm glad we're still friends and please don't forget that I'm here for you

Dear mum...
Please stop controlling me and telling me what to do, I'm not your puppet.

Dear past self (1 year ago)...
buckle up because guess what, it's only gonna go downhill from here

Dear future self...
Take care of me please

Dear person I like...
Egglord you are the beanest of all beans love you to the end of the universe and back

Dear person I'm jealous of...
You are so beautiful even tho you don't see it, you're such a huge inspiration to me and many others and I wish I could show you how much you mean to everyone

Dear best friend...
Love you dork, I know I'm an annoying asshole sometimes but thanks for putting up with me

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