Short sad story

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Because I'm neutrally sad in a weird kinda way
Like the sad
That makes me wanna write something sad
Idk just enjoy if you like sad stories.

(Side story to AoH or Heart)

Col's POV

I was on edge.
Waiting, waiting, waiting.

Waiting for that door to open.
Waiting for them to bring Lee back out of that dreadful room.
Waiting for her smile.
Her piercing yet beautiful icy gaze, and her matted dust coloured fur.

The X room.
That's what everyone here called it. They say that the creatures that go in there never come back the same, I refused to believe them of course. Lee has been in there many many other times and she was still the same old Lee wasn't she?
I mean sure she had been quite distant recently, but nothing out of the ordinary. She would still play with Shade and Kaz, it was nice watching her and them chase a feather around the small clearing. It was nice to see that she had a soft side behind that cold front that she constantly put up.

We had bonded quite a bit, over the last two winters I had known her. At first I hated her, thought she was cold and angry at the world for some reason. But I got to know her, for all the hardships that life had put her through I was surprised that she was still- mostly sane.

I shook my head, now is not the time to reminisce, the kits are sleeping, and it's been nearly 15 hours since Lee went in, she should be out soon.
Bored, I tapped my claws on the cold stone floor and listened to the pattering of rain on the metal roof. Oh how I wished to see rain again.

Sinking too my paws I felt a wave of unwanted fatigue flood my body. I was tired; having stayed up the last 15 hours waiting. I forced my eyes to stay open, I had to be awake, for Lee. But soon enough the weights on them became too much to bare, and they slowly fell closed, leaving me to welcome the peaceful cocoon of sleep.

~4 hours later~

Lee's POV

Everything hurt.
I felt weak and confused.

I'm... Lee? Yes, that sounds right.
Where is pa? Where am I?
All I see is darkness.

"Lee! Lee wake up!"

But I'm so tired, just let me sleep.

I groaned and rolled over, the cool metal feeling strange beneath my body.


The voice shouted right next to my ear and I got to my paws, opening my eyes and spinning to face the owner of the voice.

"What? I'm awake!"

I gazed at her, observing details. Strange eyes. Short russet fur, strange patterns. Bushy fluffy tail, reminds me of a squirrel. Strong build, taller than me, looks like she's been in a lot of fights. Long- almost snake like? Canine teeth, watch out for those. A few front claws slightly crooked, must've impacted something with force.

She looked at me, confused.
"Are you alright Lee? Do you need to lie down?"

I sat down my head reeling, I didn't know this cat, I was almost sure I had never seen her before in my life, so why did she look so familiar?

"Who are you?" I queried, my voice sounding raspy, as if I hadn't used it in a long time.

She drew in a sharp breath. And I glanced in her direction, slightly alarmed.
"Are you joking with me Lee? Because it's not funny."

"In case you haven't noticed, I'm not really the jokey type," I retorted with a sour expression. Now is not the time to joke, why in the name of ika would I be joking?

She sat down and let out a shaky breath, seemingly unable to meet my gaze she stared at the ground with such intensity I found myself feeling a little scared; flicking my ear, as if to calm my delicate nerves.

"So you really don't remember me?" She asked, her voice cracking as she met my gaze once again; her eyes flooded with many emotions, some of which, I could not decipher. Almost shocked my eyes widened slightly. I didn't know this cat, did I?

"No," I replied, as calm and simply as I could manage.

We were silent as she held my gaze for a few more second, as if silently begging for me to remember something, before looking away.

I shuffled my paws. I don't know her, I don't, I really honestly don't. But how can she remember me if I don't even know her?
I attempted to look back for memories in my mind, of her, but found only a hazy fog.


I was startled as she stood up, meeting my gaze. Those eyes.
So familiar.
Her right iris seemingly made of gold surrounded by a hue of grey and her left covered, as if she were ashamed of it, for some reason.
Intimidating to some I suppose, but intriguing nonetheless.

She cleared her throat as if to try and remove something stuck there; and extended a slightly shaky but friendly paw, her eyes were dull, her voice was croaky, and she wore a forced smile as she said,

"Hi, I'm Col."

Authors note:

You're welcome

Is this canon
I dunno
That's up to you I guess :,)

I'm going to go cry in a corner now because writing that made me feel sorry for my poor children oof goodbye

Also again sorry for lack of art :,)

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